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Maya's P.O.V

"Why?" I asked Riley who kept looking at Charlie Gardener. "Because Maya... Lucas doesn't seem to like me so I'm moving on..." She sighed. "Oh yeah, I'd like to see that," I chuckled. She really expects me to believe that she'd like to move on.  "Watch me!" She said holding her head up  high. I watched curiously denying everything that she claims to do. She walked up to him and coughed to get his attention. "Hi Riley," He said turning around. "Hi... Charlie so I was wondering... Um I um..." She started to say but froze as soon as she saw Lucas heading her way. "Sorry Charlie but I got to borrow this cow girl for a second," I said immediately stepping in. Riley clears loves Lucas and that's not my opinion. It's a fact. Everyone knows except of course Huckleberry. He may seem like a smart guy but he honestly can't get the hang of this life thing. "Riley... You love him, admit it already," I said breaking her from her glance. "Maya... Of course I do but I can't just blurt it out, I'm not all rebel type like you," She said. She looked at Lucas one more time and headed to her next class. Well, I tried. Time for me to play matchmaker yet again...

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