Chapter One

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«Mom! Mooom! We're late! We should have left an hour ago!! Why didn't the alarm clock rang?»

«Oh my God! Move, move! Have breakfast and take the luggage, I'll call a taxi»

«Mom I can't find the passport! »

«Try looking in your bag! »

«Hello? Yeah yeah, I urgently need a taxi at...»

«I'm sorry, but there are no taxies available right now. Try in 10 minutes»

«Honey, no free taxies now. I'll call Robert! »

«Ok mom, but please, be fast! I'll miss my flight! »

"Where's that damn passport?"

«Clary, Robert's here. Go! »

«Coming! »

"There you are! Stupid document!"

«Honey didn't you have breakfast? »

«I didn't have time! Gotta go now. Bye mom. I love you»

«Bye, Clary. Have a safe flight! I love you too»

And this is how my school trip in London started. I was late and I was hungry and everybody knows that, when I'm hungry, I'm impossible.

I arrived at the airport. I did the check-in. All my schoolmates were already on the plane. The gate was about to close. A teacher was waiting for me, hoping I could make it in time. Thank God, I did it. I got on the plane and found my seat.

A guy was seated next to me. He was really cute. He had brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a black Metallica t-shirt, a pair of worn out jeans and some black boots. He had a lather bracelet on his right wrist and a metallic necklace with a Hard Rock guitar pick hanging. He was watching outside the plane window while wearing his blue headphones and listening to rock music.

I didn't dare to say anything to him, apart from returning a little smile he gave me before, while I was about to sit. I settled down and then fastened my seat belt on.

The engine started to work and the plane was moving towards the airstrip. That guy took off his headphones and then kept looking at the landscape outside. I don't really understand what's so special about an airport, but he seemed to like it. The plane was now ready. The engine started working really hard that the noise was almost annoying. The plane started to move. It was slow, but then immediately fast and then faster. I was so scared of flying. I was strongly clinging both the armrests and then closed my eyes. The plan took-off. A feeling of falling pervaded my senses. After a while, it stabilized. I then opened my eyes. That guy was staring at me with a little smile on his face. I was wondering why was that. I realized soon after, I was squeezing his arm.

«Oh, I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to...»

I was so embarrassed. I just wanted to disappear.

«Oh, don't worry. I used to be afraid of planes too. You just have to get used to it» he replied.

«I guess you're right...»

«By the way, I'm David, but you can call me Dave, and you are...»

«I'm Clary. Nice to meet you»

I had to admit I was a little bit nervous. I'm not so relaxed when a I have to deal with new people, especially, if something like this happens.

Fortunately, the tension disappeared in a moment. We started to talk and the more he told me, the more I had the feeling that a good friendship could start between us.

During the conversation with him, I had discovered that his dad died in a car crash when he was a child. (and, unfortunately, I hadn't met mine either). He had an older brother, who lived in Canada. He moved there for work. He also added he used to play electric guitar in a rock 'n' roll band called The Wave. And...well...I couldn't expect anything different from him, as he was the stereotype of a rock musician. He also let me listen to a song they wrote, but it didn't match my taste, and he realized that.

We talked for the whole flight and something wonderful was growing between us.

Finally, we landed in London. It was early in the afternoon. We exit the plane and started going to get back our luggage. We were all waiting for them to come and, as soon as the roll started working, we were fighting to reach our baggage in time, before it disappeared again behind that strange black plastic curtain.

We arrived in the hotel. Took the key of my room. Entered the room. And then saw it. That amazing, wonderful and comfortable bed. I jumped on it and I soon felt asleep.

"Knock knock"

I slowly opened my eyes

"Knock knock"

Just let me sleep a little more...

«Clary? I'm Dave. Are you there? »

"Dave? What is he doing here?"


«Hey Clary, sorry to bother you, but...wait! Were you sleeping? I'm so sorry to have woken you up! »

"Damn, I was dreaming a beautiful and delicious bagel..."

«Don't worry» I then said, «It's fine. But I believe you have a good reason for knocking at my door, haven't you? »

«Oh...yeah yeah. I was unpacking my stuff and...well...I think we exchanged our luggage back at the airport...I mean, I don't wear girly clothes until proven otherwise, so...»

«Oh shoot...I'm so sorry Dave» jeez, I was blushing so hard back then, it was so embarrassing! «I'm a little bit distracted sometimes»

«No, it's totally fine. I least it happened with you and not with some other girl! »

«I guess you're right» I replied a little still shocked

«Ehm...Clary? »

«What? »

«Can you please give me back my stuff? »

«Oh yeah, you're right. I guess I'm a bit woozy from the jet leg...»

If in London it was 5pm, it must had been midnight back in Brooklyn.

After this really strange, shocking and embarrassing start with Dave, everything was going in the right direction.

We spent a lot of time together in London: we played songs, he played the ukulele, which he bought there, and I sang the lyrics; we played tennis, as we discovered we both loved it; at night, he usually escaped to his room to come into mine and we watched movies while eating all the junk food we could.

I remember once, we were laughing so hard, that one of the teacher came to my door at 3am to check what I was doing. Dave was in the room with me and I didn't know where to hide him, as the room was really small, so he entered the closet and hid between my clothes. Then, the teacher headed back to sleep and I told David he could came out, but he didn't answer. I started to frighten a little bit. I walked towards the closet and...

«Boooo! » he yelled, making me jump, scared as hell. He was so proud of himself. I wanted to kick his ass, but then he hugged me and gently kissed me on my cheek saying: «It's time to sleep. Goodnight, butterfly». I still don't know why he calls me like that, but I actually like it. It makes me feel special. It was one of the best moments with him back in London.

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