Part 10: Something You Fear

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Aelin finds herself standing outside of Grannies Diner, she can just make out Emma sitting by the window with her back toward her. Aelin smiles and goes in, she walks past Emma and heads to the bar and orders two breakfast sandwiches to go. While she is waiting she gets the feeling everyone is staring at her, so she turns around and find everyone is. She looks at everyone in the eye with a look saying "I'm not afraid of any of you, you should be afraid of me" she turns back around ignoring everyone. Ruby brings her order, Grannie who has been watching her since the moment she stepped inside Aelin who has a short temper and a sharp tongue goes over to where Grannie is on the other side of the bar farther away from Emma. Aelin says "Do we have a problem wolf?" Grannie unfazed says "No, but I would be careful" "Why would I need to be careful?" "After all with someone in your condition, you should be careful especially when you use magic." Aelin who is a little confused says "What do you mean someone like me in my condition? There is nothing wrong with me, and how did you know I have magic?" "Because since I am a wolf I can sense it on you, it's a very old magic. You honestly don't know?" Aelin is losing her patience quickly, "Know what? Out with it old lady!" Grannie just smiles and says "Come let's talk back here," Aelin follows Grannie to the back room and says "Now since I am a wolf I can sense things, and the reason I say be careful is because your pregnant Aelin." Aelin looks at Grannie in shock and says "That can't be, your lying," "No, I'm not lying. Tell me have you been feeling a little off lately, maybe a little nauseous, you sleep longer then before. And you may or may not be having cravings already. I can sense it on you." Grannie begins to walk away, Aelin starts to think about what Grannie said and all of it is true. Before Grannie leaves she says "Oh one last thing, I would lay off the drinking for awhile, well at least for nine months." Aelin collects herself and walks out of the back room, before leaving she whispers to Grannie "You don't say anything about this to anyone understand? Because if you breath a word to anyone I will skin you alive, and when I make a promise I do follow through. Aelin is about to leave when she see's Emma, she smirks. She sits across from Emma, "You must be Emma" Emma looks up from her book and says "Yes I am, who might you be?" "I'm Aelin, introductions aren't important. Look I know what you are trying to do with Henry, my suggestion is to lay the hell off. Trust me you know what Regina is capable of but you have no idea who I am and what I have and can do. I would leave town Ms. Swan for good, I would tell Henry that he is better off without you. Because if you don't I will come for you and I do make good on my promises." With that Aelin grabs her food and leaves heading back to Regina's.

 Aelin drops off the food at Regina's house, she finds Regina still passed out on the couch. Aelin shakes her head and leaves a note for Regina when wakes up as well as a potion to help with the hang over. In her note Aelin said: "Regina, I got you this. Was waiting  for you to get up but needed to do an errand. Be back soon, and don't eat my breakfast. Also, here's a potion to help with the hang over. A" Aelin poofed herself to Gold's shop he had something that once belonged to her. Once there she opens up the door and looks around, after a little while of not seeing Rumple yet she says "Rumple bumple I know your here come out, we have something to discuss." Rumple comes out and says "What can I help you with?" Aelin who is already annoyed from this morning and what Grannie told her, "Oh cut the shit Rumple, you have something that belongs to me and I want it back." "Will dearie you are going to have be more specific then that, what is that you are looking for?" Now Aelin's temper was at the boiling point, "You damn well know  what I am here for, I want the wand and the book back." "I don't have a wand or a book." "Yes you do. Remember when we made that deal that I paid the price for? The one where it was suppose to be only one deal and there was another one in there as well, the one where I had to assassinate someone in order for you to get what you want. Like always." Rumple makes a face like it finally rings a bell, "Aw yes I do remember that, but no I do not have a wand." "YES YOU DO! You stole it from me, I want it back if it means that I have to tear this whole damn place apart to find it." Rumple goes to the back and brings her the little the wand is in and hands it to her, before he can go anywhere she says "Where's the book?" He pulls it out from the back bookshelf and hands it to her too. Aelin walks away without saying thank you, Rumple says "Your welcome, and be careful especially for someone in your condition." Aelin stops dead in her tracks, she turns back around so fast, she is in front of Rumple and says "Who the hell told you?" "No one had to tell me, I can sense it on you. Remember I'm the dark one i know a lot." With that Aelin poofs herself back to Regina's house. 

When she gets to Regina's house she is a little taken aback from what Rumple said, she's stares out the window and doesn't hear Regina come in. "Where did you go?" Aelin turns around, "No where, just needed some fresh air." "You said you went to go do an errand, what was the errand?" "Something that I don't have to tell you, because you don't need to know." Regina just looks at her, Aelin looks over at the food she brought from Grannies still uneaten "You haven't eaten yet?" ""No, I was waiting for you," "Did that potion I gave you work?" "Yes it did. Thank you for that by the way." "Your welcome, shall we?" She gestures over to the food, Regina takes it and they both sit at the table in silence. Once they have finished Aelin is still plagued by what Granny told her as well as Rumple, Aelin frowns as she thinks Regina comes back to refill Aelin's cup and notices she is somewhere else. "Are you okay?" Aelin gets out of her head and looks up at Regina "I'm sorry what did you say?" "I was asking if you were okay?" "Yes I'm fine, why?" "Because you got back you haven't said much which is not like you, did something happen?" "No, nothing happened. I'm fine, instead of me staying in the little cottage in the woods can I stay here instead?" Regina is shocked that Aelin has asked to stay with her, before Regina says anything Aelin says "If not it's fine. Now I think about it maybe not so much since Henry is here I was stupid to ask." "No, no it's fine you can stay. You can take one of the bedrooms upstairs." Aelin smiles and says "Thanks, I'll be right back I'm going to go get my stuff." 

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