Part 14: What To Do

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After Dr. Whale leaves, Aelin is left alone for awhile. She lays in bed staring up at the ceiling going through all the events the last couple of days. She thinks "What kind of a mother am I going to be? I can't be a mother! How are you going to tell people? Who are you going to tell? How will Rowan take this? Will he be happy about having a child? Or well he react the opposite way? Will he leave me when I need him most?" As Aelin is stuck in her own thoughts she doesn't hear Snow come in, "Aelin?" Aelin comes out of her thoughts and looks at Snow "What?" "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, why do you ask?" "You just seem.....I don't know like there is something bothering you but your not sure how to say it." Aelin laughs, "Will your wrong Snow, there is nothing bothering me. If I look like this I just woke up who wouldn't look like this after all I have been through." "Your right, I'm sorry. You know if you ever want to talk I'm here," for the first time Aelin see's real concern in Snow's eyes and knows that what Snow says she really does mean it. "Thanks I'll keep that in mind," Snow smiles and is about to leave when she turns around and says "Get some rest, we'll see if we can get you up and out of bed tomorrow," Aelin nods and Snow closes the door leaving a crack just case. Aelin didn't feel tired but as she laid there she fell back asleep this time without dreams.

The next morning Aelin wakes up early, the light is streaming in her window. For the first time in awhile she doesn't feel tired and is ready to start the day, is looks over to the chair next to her and notices Emma there. Aelin and Emma make eye contact saying nothing to one another, Aelin is the first to say something, "What are doing in here?" "We need to talk," "About what?" Aelin says a little too defensibly, "Why do you hate me so much?" Aelin laughs "Don't you get it Emma?" Emma shakes her head, "I'm somewhat a villain and somewhat a hero, I walk that fine line that defines both. I was an assassin and am Queen, I have two kinds of magic running through my veins, I came here for a reason and that bothers you. You want to know why I am here, and your trying to figure out if you can trust me, or if I am going to betray you." Emma looks at her saying, "And how do you that is what I am trying to do?" Aelin smirks "Because what others don't know is not only I see the future but I can also hear your thoughts. Now don't get freaked out not everything only the things I want to know, and those are what your thoughts are. See Emma we are different playing fields you'll never reach my level, get Regina for me." Emma gets up and begins to walk out the door when Aelin says "And next time you come in here, it better be a good reason instead of just sitting there waiting for me to wake up." Emma walks, she goes downstairs and finds Regina is the kitchen "She wants you." Regina looks at Emma and heads upstairs, "You called for me?" "Yes, help me up please. God I am so tired of being in this bed, I need to get up." Regina says "Okay let get you up, we have to get you up slowly because of your ribs and back. This may hurt when you get up." 

Aelin swings her legs out of the bed slowly, Regina helps her get up. Aelin grins in pain but gets up anyway, Regina holds on to for a little bit just in case she loses her balance. After awhile Aelin is fine, "I want to shower," "Okay" says Regina. Aelin takes a shower and Regina has clothes for her when she gets out, Aelin get's dressed and comes out and looks at the clothes that Regina has laid out for her. Yoga pants and a matching top to go with it, Aelin looks at them and then at Regina. Regina replies, "What?" "What the hell are those?" "Clothes." Aelin looks at Regina again "Seriously?" "Yes, they are comfortable and right now that is what you need while you heal," "Fine." Aelin puts them on and looks at herself in her full length mirror and says "They are comfy." Regina smiles saying "See not so bad, what do you saw we go downstairs for breakfast?" Aelin nods, as they are about to walk out the door Aelin stops. Regina turns to her and says "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I um..." "Are you in pain?" "No, I have something to tell you but I don't know how to say it out loud." Regina walks back into the room, "What is it? You can tell me anything you want." Aelin goes to the door and closes it coming to back to where Regina is standing, she says "Maybe we should sit down for this? Will you sit, me stand since by the time i sit it'll take forever." Regina sits on her bed waiting for Aelin to say something, Aelin looks at Regina and says "When I went to Grannies and got us breakfast after we drank all night, Granny told me something that I will never forget. At first I thought she was lying, but then again she's a wolf so I knew she couldn't lie to me about this." Aelin takes a breath and says "She told me.......I'm pregnant," the last bit Aelin mutters. Regina says "What did she tell you?" Aelin replies louder "She told me I'm pregnant," Regina sits there for a moment and says "Your pregnant?" Aelin nods, "Granny knows because she can sense it, Rumple knows, and Dr. Whale knew when he took blood from me." Regina gets up and paces a little, "How does Rumple know? Why does Rumple know?" "I went to see Rumple, that's where I went when I left you that note, he's the Dark one he always knows." "Why did you go see Rumple?" "He had something of mine that he took from me and I got it back," Regina shakes her head, "Okay, we'll talk about that later. Is the baby Rowan's?" Aelin looks at her, "Of course it's Rowans, really Regina?" "Will I just wanted to make sure, does he know?" "No, he doesn't know. He's back in Rifthold, I haven't told him yet." "He needs to know," "I know he needs to know, it's just......." Regina looks at her with concern and moves closer to Aelin "It's just what?" "It's just that I'm scared to tell him, what if he doesn't a child?" "Aelin, he is going to be so happy he would want nothing more then to have you and a child in his life." Aelin looks at Regina with tears in her eyes "What if leaves me?" Regina envelops Aelin in a hug "He's not going to leave you, he's is going to be so happy to have a child, talk to him." Aelin nods and both head downstairs, Aelin passes Emma and she smirks at her. 

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