Part 20: Numb

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Regina watches in horror as she see's Aelin with the knife in her hand, it seems as if time stood still. Regina began to rush towards Aelin but was too late and see's Aelin's blood pour from her wrists, thigh, and stomach. Before Regina can even reach Aelin she disappears in a cloud of flame like colors, Aelin soon finds herself in the small cottage in the woods. Since she has lost so much blood already she puts a protection spell over the cottage. Aelin pulls out the book that she has been caring around with her and flips through until she finds the one she needs, a spell to bring her back to her kingdom. She limps over to the cabinet where she stored a lot of her own magic, herbs, potions, and the like in case one day she ever needed to go back. She mixes everything together and since the spell calls for a drop of blood she put the dagger to the palm of her hand and slices across it. 

Regina just stands there in the spot where Aelin just was looking in disbelief, she slowly shakes her head and repeating over and over again, "No, no, no, no, NO!!!! Where the hell did you go?" Snow and Emma rash down the few steps to Regina's vault, Snow says "Where did she go?" Regina doesn't answer, "Regina? Where is she? What happened?" Regina turns around she was here she said that she didn't want this child. She made a dagger appear and slit her wrist, thigh, and slashed herself across her stomach." Emma and Snow look with shock, Regina continues "I tried to stop her but by the time that I got to her she disappeared. It was like time stood still for a moment while I saw her cut herself and then when I was about to stop her she was already gone. I don't know where she went." Emma says "Can't we track her? Can't we use the tracking spell on her?" Regina shakes her head, "It only works if you have something of the person you are trying to find, I don't have anything like that." Snow has an idea "But Rowan does, just ask him so we can find her. Since she did cut herself we are going to have to find her and quick, she'll bleed out if we don't." All three head back to the house, Rowan is still pacing and Manon is looking at him. He stops pacing and says "Did you find her?" "Yes, she was in my vault but we have a little problem. When I walked in she was on the floor just sitting here apparently she had more of the potion she made, once I came in and asked her about what she was doing and why she said that she didn't want this child. Then she made a dagger appear and she cut herself in her wrist, thigh, and stomach, I tried to get to her as fast as I could but before I could move she wasn't there. And I don't know where she is at now, but we can find her I just need something of her's so I can do a locator spell to find her." Rowan process this and nods "I have a ring that was her's when I first met her," he goes to get it and comes back down with it. Regina nods and gathers the ingredients that she needs so she can make the spell work. Once she is done night has already fallen, Emma says "Should we wait until morning? It almost night," Regina nods "I would rather find her but I get it, your right it's too dark." Regina closes her eyes and says "We should wait until early morning to go and find her." Snow looks at her with wide eyes, "Regina she could die." "I know but we don't have a choice, if we go now we run the risk of losing the item and never finding it again. I know what we are risking but we have to wait." 

Aelin is just about to cast her spell, but since she has lost so much blood her vision begins to go in and out. She stumbles onto the small couch and tries to get up again but soon her vision goes black. 

Morning breaks, no one got much sleep. Regina who hasn't slept at all, wakes Emma, Snow, and Rowan up. "Let's go find her," Regina pours the potion over Aelin's ring and soon the spell works, they follow the object into the woods. They walk for what seems like forever, but soon Regina recognizes where they are heading, "She's in the cottage," they walk a little faster and as they see the cottage all three begin to run. Regina slows down and is looking around the house, Snow says "Regina what are we waiting for?" "Something isn't right," she reaches out her hand and comes into contact with Aelin's protection spell. "She put a protection spell over it, and I can't break it," Emma says "Can't we use both of out magic so we can?" "We can try." They both raise their hands and use both of their powers, just when they are about to give up the protection spell breaks and all three rush inside. They split up, Rowan goes down the little hall, Emma goes into the kitchen and Regina goes into the living room. There is where she finds Aelin, "ROWAN I FOUND HER!" Regina looks at what Aelin was doing, but soon turns her attention back on an unconscious Aelin. Rown, Emma, and Snow rush into the living room,  there laying on the floor is Aelin. Her breathing is shallow, Regina lifts up her head and soon examines the cut on her stomach. Regina looks over at Rowan as he kneels down next to Regina, Rowan asks "Is she still breathing?" Regina nods her head "Her breathing is shallow, she lost a lot of blood, and she isn't in the best place right now but over all yes. We need to move her and move her fast." Emma says "We should take her to the hospital," Regina nods and looks at Rowan, "We have to, I know she will hate it when she wakes up but she will be alive." Rowan nods, Regina waves her hand and all of them are covered in purple smoke soon they are standing in the hospital. Once the smoke clear Dr. Whale see's Regina, Emma, Snow, and Rowan he walks over and soon see's Aelin, Dr. Whale orders nurses around and soon Aelin is being taken into a room so the doctors and nurses can stitch her up. Two hours later, Dr. Whale comes out and sits down in front of Rowan, "I know this is not the time or place for introductions but I am Dr. Whale I have been taking care of Aelin. She is fine, she lost a lot of blood which we had to give her blood transfusions, we stitched her up. She is still asleep and nurses are watching her closely." Rowan nods and says "And the baby?" "The baby is fine, we did an ultrasound just to make sure and they baby is fine. Once she wakes up we'll keep her for a couple of days and then she can go home." 

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