Chapter 30: Mission

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(A/N: Can dedication go to more than one person? Because, I am in the mood and I dedicate this chapter to the following: mariaculous, drawing-geek...)

"Has anyone seen Y/N?" Loki yelled as he effortlessly took out a guard who is poorly defending a look-out point. Urgh! Must I take form of this hideous beast?.. Loki groaned before taking the point and signaling the rest to enter.

This is your very first mission that Nick gave. Things are slightly being fixed but him being secretive is a big bummer. Anyway, the mission is to track a group of gang forming alliance to rule the word. I know, cliche, right?

The gang stole this thing that Stark invented for more protection over the tower for some reason. He was a bit more paranoid over stuff than he really over-act about stuff.

"Yeah! She's fine." Steve reported when he saw you shift into another guard. You waved at him before stealthily creeping to one of the chambers.

"Dude, did you hear that?" You stated to the two idiots guarding said chamber that turned into like a lot when your focus is not on the two eggheads. They are like 50 of them there. Heavily guarded, bet Tony's inventions inside it. Whatever it is.

"You two!" The acting superior signaled and the two complied. "Check it."

You watched them leave with a smirk smug on your face. 50 or 48, make no difference to me. As long as I can get this mission done, I'm gonna have a great time beating this guys.

As you turned back to the rest of the soldiers, they watched in astonishment as you shift back to your normal look. You had a lot of weapons stored in the small pockets you had which was worthless since you can just manipulate and pain them.

"Look, guys..." You started but was interrupted by a gunshot on your shoulder. "What the!? You guys! You weren't even trying!"

You hissed at the pain. It's weird that you even let the blood drip even though you can just heal yourself but it's gonna take your whole concentration.

One guy tackled you with a knife but you already went into your gaseous form and dodged the attack hardening your molecules again to hit them with the force harder then Steve's punch.

You where like dancing in a stage but it was a battlefield. A guy landed a hit on your bleeding shoulder making you dizzy for a moment but you waved it off when you brought the pain to him. Soon, you were done.

You stood in the middle like you just won the war,.. but you were wrong. Big time. You heard a sound buzzing as a door close, when you turned back, you saw that superior guy flash you a creepy grin.

You scattered your molecules so you can glide faster before the door closes but it was too late.

"Hello? Guys!" You yelled over your comm. but all you hear is static like sound, you can't get any signal out.

On the other side of the compound, Cap. threw his shield and hit 3 guys on the process while Nat somersaulted at a guy as she shoved it's face on the hard floor.

"Tony, seen anything?" Cap asked over the comm. as he dodged and break an arm of a random dumb person thinking he can be safe attacking Steve alone.

"Yes! Like, how this place is definitely Hydra." Tony reported as he hack on the system and tours himself around the place like he owns it.

"What exactly are we looking for here?" Clint said butting in the conversation as he shoot a guy behind his back without looking.

"A stress room." Tony vaguely describe.

"I do not hear Y/N in this conversation." Loki stated because he can't contact you.

"Ah, the Avengers!" A voice said in a calm and creepy tone. All the Avengers heard it even though they are scattered.

"I'm checking where that is coming from." Nat stated and went into the darkness.

"Oh, no need. Miss Romanoff." The voice stated. "I am not anywhere near this establishment. In fact, why would I be under a building that is about to be demolished."

"Not anymore, buddy!" Tony intervened. "Took down all those tiny bombs you stole from my old lab. Gotta say, you are one weird kleptomaniac."

"But those weren't the one meant to be exploding." The voice added as a monitor showed you trying to cut the door open. Your shoulder still bleeding and it hurt more than it should be. "The whole building won't collapse. Not until you break it yourself, that is."

"Get her out!" Loki glared as he saw you on the floor breathing heavy again. He knows you're overheating again.

"No!" Tony gasped as he saw where you're trapped.  It was the machine he was working on specially for you.

"Yes! It is what it is, Tony!" The voice creepily rejoiced.

"Tony, what's that!" Steve asked with equal worry as Tony's having.

"We need to find that right away." Tony replied ignoring Steve's question. Steve got a hint that, that is not the most important thing right now.

The most important thing is to get you out of that room. You're bleeding and barely conscious anyway.

Shit! No way. I am not... not... Your head started to swirl around as the walls dance around with you. Y/N, focus. O-okay! Let's try manipulating that damn door.

You crawled to the nearest post and tried to get a clear picture of the door. You can't control your molecules anymore but you think you can control that door.

"Sir, you are going to overheat your armor!!!" Friday yelled as Tony did all he can to melt the metal door. "Sir!"

"I know what it's made off, Friday!" Tony yelled back when Friday hinted to show the composition of the door. "I created this! I need to destroy this! My daughter's in it!"

Loki got frustrated as he read the tiredness of your mind. He did all he can to teleport in but it was hard. He can't get in.

"And timer starts now." The voice stated before the line broke.

There's clicking in your part of the room. You heard it and it was surprisingly loud. Like the whole room was the bomb itself. Y-you,.. can do it. What's the door made up off?.. It looks like Cap's shield has the same,..

You were panting as you pushed yourself over your limits. It's been a minute now and you still can't break the system locking you up inside. All though the wires are moving slightly, it was still a small step.

"Y/N!" Loki yelled. He was on your head. You smiled unconsciously and try to do your best to get out. Hearing Loki scream like that hurts. "I need you to stop whatever you're doing my love!"

"Shut up, Loki." You replied breathlessly as you concentrated more to get out.

"Tony, do something!" Nat yelled.

"What do you think I'm doing?!!!" Tony glared as his uni-beam hits its maximum.

"Mortal! I demand you to stop at once!" Loki yelled back.

"No!.." you replied. "I-i n-need to get out... I n-need to,.. back to you."

It was only a matter of time before the bomb explode. And you're still in it. Loki's disappeared in the shadows and sobbed there watching you through your eyes.

"Y/N, please. Stop." He whispered punching a wall but you didn't listen.

Stupid Mortal! I told you to halt and stop what you are planning! Why must you not listen! Why?! I am nothing without you my love. Isn't that how love is suppose to feel like when your other half is gone? My queen, my love, My Y/N.

A white flash seeped through the door as Loki's mind go blank. Tony landed on his knee, exhausted of pouring all his energy on bringing the door down. A river of tears exploded as Nat went to hug and comfort Loki...

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