Chapter 2: The Beans That Never Spill

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Alex tried to pull me away, to look at me, but I couldn't let go of him.

Finally I let go.

Tears bean to fall from my face as I looked up to his eyes.

"Aw, please don't cry. I hate to see that beautiful face look so sad."

Alex dragged his thumb across the bottom of my eye, drying the tears that I cried. Its been so long.

"Alex, I thought I would never see you again."

My voice trembled and cracked.

"Don't worry," Alex Picked up my head with his hand. "I thought the same way darling."

His touch was so gentle, just like how I remembered from long ago.

He was being so nice. I felt like I reunited with my long lost brother.

Alex turned his back on me, and looked at Terance in anger.

"You, Terance, What in the hell makes you think you can put your flithy hands on a woman like that?!" Alex began to raise his voice.

I clenched my hands in the back of Alex's black t-shirt, my hands in a ball grabbing a fist full of his shirt. I could feel his back muscles tense up.

"I uhhh, I just wanted to intimidate her..." Tarance's words trailed off.

"You wanted to intimidate her? Really? "

Alex looked at everyone in the room. Then looked back a Terance

"So you intimidate a girl by throwing her on the floor?!"

My breathing began to get heavier and faster.

Alex turned his back on Terance and turned around to look at me.

"Becka?" Alex's voice sounded concerned.

I couldn't breathe. I was having an anxiety attack.

I started shaking. I felt cold, and my vision went blurry.

"Someone call the nurse!" Alex shouted.

"Becka stay with me, c'mon, just breathe in and out slowly."

I tried to do what alex told me but I just kept breathing fast and heavy.

I started to get light headed.

"C'mon Becka, just breathe slowly."

In my 2nd attempt to breathe slowly, it worked.

But my breathing was still slightly fast and heavy.

Within 5 minutes, the school nurse came up.

"Everyone clear the way!" The nurse shouted. 

Everyone made space for the nurse to enter through. She kneeled in front of me. Her lightly scented perfume hit my nostrils.She smelled nice. Her perfume cause me to slow my breathing just a tad more. I tried focusing on the scent but my heart was beating in my throat. 

"What is your name sweety?" She tried getting me to focus on something other than myself, but my brain was too clouded to concentrate.

"B-becka." I tried to say.  "Becka, I need to look at me. focus on my face." I lifted my head up to look at her.

"Good, okay now try to slow your breathing. Do what I do."

The nurse was demonstrating to me how to slow my breathing. I did the same. Within 15 minutes, I was able to calm down. 

"Come with me to my office Becka." Alex helped me get to my feet and escorted me to the nurses office. I sat down on one of the waiting chairs.

"Here." The nurse handed me an ice pack.

"What happened to your head?" the nurse asked looking at my forehead.

I raised my hand and touched my temple. A dull hard pain shot across my head. Then I hit me, I got that from when Terance tossed me on the floor like a rag doll.

"Nothing happened." I muttered

"Terance threw her on the floor." Alex said angrily.

"Ill have him written up, dont you worry about it dear." She poked my nose.

"Thanks Ms. Johnson." Alex said looking slightly relieved.

"I'll be back." The nurse turned on her heels and left.

I stared at Alex's body. He was so slender. His hair was so long.

I wonder how his body feels. or what its like to kiss those lips.

or how he feels--

Hey! Stop thinking like that. He's your best friend damnit!

My face began to get warm. I'm such a perv.

Alex turned to face me. His blue-grey eyes met my hazel-green ones.

We stayed in an eye lock. I was under his hypnosis.

"Becka," Alex began softly.

"I-I've always wanted to tell you something."

My heart began to flutter like a thousand majestic Phoenix's flying around a fire god.

Was he gonna tell me he loves me? No too obvious.

"What is it." I asked innocently, pretending I dont know anything.



I know it may seem obvious on what will happen but trust me, its not what you think c;

3rd chapter will be out soon! sorry!!



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