Chapter 20

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Yehey! Thank you once again for 13k reads and my story got #345 in fanfiction😭That's a big achievement for me😭😍Thank you thank you thank you❤️❤️

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Elouise Chavelle Park

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Jiwon's POV

Jennie had a sleepover at her friend's house and she'll go to school from there so I'm all alone

It was still so clear to me, very much.

I didn't take the bus and just decided to walk, I don't feel like riding the bus right now

As I was almost at the gate, some girls are sitting in the bench with cigarettes in between their fingers

Ugh, early in the morning.

As I was about to pass by them "Oh! The slut is here!" A girl laughed and I just rolled my eyes and continued walking, trying to ignore them

"Oh yah!" She grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face her

"What do you want?" I said irritated

It's a different girl this time, not the one in the cafeteria the other day

"You're still sleeping with them huh?" She tightened her gripped and I just rolled my eyes mentally

"It's not your goddamn business to know" I looked straight into her eyes not showing any fear at all. For fuck sake. I took back my hand and turned back

I was about to walk away when she yanked my hair and I fell down and she dragged me to her group of minions

It's not even that painful

They started beating me up and I just let them beat me, not having any mood to fight back.

I'm used of being beaten up my whole life

They were five of them beating me up, slapping, kicking, punching and pulling my hair

(A/N: I know some of you are probably pissed xD)

Beating me up is probably a normal thing for me, after being 'abused' for years

They stopped and they breathed heavily "That's what you get" They all laughed and walked away, leaving me here bruised and bleeding.

I sat up and spitted some blood and wiped my mouth

I probably look badass right now. I stupidly smiled at the thought of it.

I stood up and brushed off some dirt in me and continued to walk to the school


I entered the halls and all of the students are looking at me

Okay, I guess I'm absent for the first subject and it's time for the second, it explains why the students are here in the halls walking to their next class

"Look at jiwon"

"Poor her"

"She's such a mess right now"

I managed to walk through all the shitty eyes until to my classroom.

I walked in and the only people here are the boys, oh. They're early

"Oh h-- What happened?" Jimin worriedly said and he jogged to me, same with jungkook and hoseok

Jungkook slowly held my face, examining it

"Oh hey" I simply said and walked past by the three of them and sat in my usual seat

"What happened jiwon" Yoongi squated beside me and held both of my hands.

It's so warm

"What do you think happened?" I asked cheekily

"Who did this to you?" I know that jungkook is mad, very very mad. But he's trying to hold his anger in

The last time I was beaten up was last month. The same damn fucking reason

"Let's go to the clinic" Hoseok said and I shook my head

"Just give me a handkerchief" I said and yoongi gave his handkerchief and I took it then I stood up from my seat "It's okay if it's going to be full of blood right?" I raised his handkerchief and he nodded then I continued to outside

As if people can't get enough, they stared at me until I was out of sight of their eyes

I walked inside the bathroom and looked at the mirror, seeing the reflection of my fucked up face

"Aish, this is nothing new" I whispered and started watering the handkerchief and slowly tapping it in my face

'This is nothing new' these words registered in my head, remembering my dark memories, my past.

Third Person's POV

"You're nothing but a slut!" He shouted at the 14 years old jiwon then kept hitting her and pulling her hair

"Stop it!" She shouted in pain

"Hah! So you talk back now?!" He spat and punched her harder

Instead of talking back, she remained silent while still recieving the painful kicks and punches

When jiwon came home from school, he met up with drunk gulsok in the kitchen. Then that's how she ended up getting beating up.

'It's like this everyday' She thought

Everyday, she had to lie when someone asks her where she gets her bruised and cuts from

Jiwon's POV

Those memories are still so clear and fresh to me like it just happened yesterday

Everything that has happened is still stuck with me. It hunts me.

Please save me..



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