Chapter 25

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Jiwon's POV

"Jiwon-ah? Are you here?" Gulsok called out my name disgustingly from the other side of the door in my room.

The 14 year old me kept quiet knowing what he'll 'do' if he knows that I'm here. Curling up beside my bed crying quietly because of him

"Please, no more" I sobbed quietly

Gulsok suddenly knocked on the door violently and I flinched "Jiwon!" he shouted repeatedly

"Please go away" I covered my ears and closed my eyes.

'Gulsok is drunk again..' I thought. Fear eating me up knowing what he's going to do

"You foolish kid! Open the damn door or I'll break it!" He shouted angrily and banged the door more harder

No one could save me from this monster. Not even my mother.

If gulsok is drunk, so is my mother. She's probably sleeping heavenly in her bed right now that she doesn't even have a clue of what is happening

While trying to the shut myself out, I didn't even notice that the noise was gone

I slowly uncovered my ears and opened my eyes.

I sobbed and slowly standing up and sitting in the bed

I almost sighed in relief thinking that he had given up but he didn't

"I have a gun here in my hand and if you don't open this damn door in 3 seconds I'm gonna shoot you through this door" He threatend and I suddenly panicked.

I didn't think straight and I got neevous so much that I immediately opened the door.

And there he is, in his drunkingly state face and a gun in his hands, pointing directly to my face

"That took you long enough" He chuckled and bought down the gun

Tears streamed down my face and he walked towards to me while I did backwards

While walking, he took off his shirt and slowly unbuckling his belt

"Down, now." His voice demanding.

My breath hitched and hunged my head down.

I closed my eyes and kneeled down. Knowing that there's nothing that I can do but to obey.


"Jiwon!" My eyes shut open and I immediately see jin

"W-what.." I was lost and confused for a second

"Jiwon, you were having a nightmare" Jin said worringly amd hugged me tight

The moment jin said that, the memories from my dream came back visible in my mind and I shut my eyes close

Fucking nightmares again

"I-I'm fine now" I whispered and he broke the hug and looked at me

"No you're not" He said and hugged me back again

'I know' I thought

"I'm okay" I lied

What's the point of telling anyway, it's not like if I'll tell them it'll vanish like everything is fine now

It was a short tight hug but I really needed that

"You should go back to sleep jiwon" He smiled at me and I nodded

"I'll try to" I yawned and layed back down while my eyes closing

Why.. am I going back to sleep?

Shouldn't I be..

"I'll stay here with you so just sleep" I heard him whisper one last time before I fell into darkness

My eyes opened again and saw my step father in top of me, so sweat.

I cried and cried but not making a sound. Not shouting for help. It's useless anyway

"I'm close now" He fastened up his pace until for a few seconds, he got out and came in my stomach

I bite my arm to stop myself from screaming, and crying.

He stood up with his usual evil smile and dressed up and then walked out leaving me broken and fatigue.

Does this ever end?


Oh and yeah, for the next chapter.. it's still blank.

My mind is blank. I don't know what to write yet. It's like, all my energy has faded away.

But don't worry, I'll do my best. And I'm not gonna leave my story undone, I'm not leaving it hanging.

I'm just, still not over yet to what was happening these days. You know what I mean right?

So yeah, thank you for being patient with me.


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