Sleep Talking

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[Lance's POV]

I wanna watch a movie with Keith... what's taking him so long? I wanna cuddle...

Lance puts on a pair of sweatpants before leaving his room. He slowly walks over to Keith's room. I hope he isn't mad... I don't even know what I did that would make him mad!

Taking a deep breath I knock on the door.

[Third POV]

"Who is it?" Keith says from the other side of the door.

"I-It's me, Lance," I said shaking.

"... Come on in..."

Lance takes a deep breath before reaching out to the door nob. Opening the door he sees Keith doing sit-ups on the ground near his weights.

"H-hey Keith..." Lance says scratching the back of his neck.

"Hi," Keith says finishing up his set. "What's up?"

"C-can we hang out?"

"Oh quiznack! I'm sorry I forgot that I promised I would hang out with you!" Keith says jumping up with a half-embarrassed half concerned face.

"It's fine. I just want to spend time with you..."

"You do?"

"Of course! I love hanging out with my boyfriend!" Lance says as Keith blushes and looks away from him.

"What do you want to do?" Keith asks walking towards his drawers.

"I was thinking a movie?"

"Yeah, sure."


"Sure, let me shower first," Keith says grabbing a towel.

Lance smirks and walks up to Keith grabbing him from behind. He whispers in his ear, "How about we take one together?"

Keith jumps, pushing Lance off him with a bright red face. "N-NO!!"

"It was a joke," Lance laughs.

"Get out."

"I'm sorry!"

"No, get out so I can shower."

"O-oh, heh I knew that," Lance pecks Keith on the cheek before walking out.

[Keith's POV]

Yeah, a joke... funny Lance. Keith walks into his personal bathroom and strips off his clothes before stepping into the shower.

I kind of wish he joined me... NO! Stop it, Keith!

"God what is wrong with me?!" Keith says hitting his head against the wall. I guess he does want to spend time with me... Maybe I was overreacting.

Turning on the water I think through what could have caused me to be such a jerk this morning. Cold water always helps me clear my head after working out. I allow the droplets to run over my body. Maybe a movie with him is what I need... yeah...

Turning up the temperature, I wash down my skin before scrubbing my hair and stepping out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my waist and look in the mirror. Foggy... I lean forward and doodle some shapes on the glass, a triangle, square, waves...

"Are you done yet?" An admitted Lance calls from outside the door.

"Gimme a minute!" I say putting on a pair of boxers and sweatpants.

"You've been in there for like a year!" He wines.

"I've been in here for not even ten minutes."

"Just hurry up already!"

I step out of the bathroom and rub the cloth on my hair, hoping to dry it out a little.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I ask turning to a blushing Lance sitting on my bed.

"W-whatever you want."

"So a horror movie?"

"NO NOT HORROR! YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE HORROR!!" Lance yells jumping up.

"Well then next time I ask, don't say whatever."


"Whatever, let's go."

"D-don't you wanna put a shirt on first?"

"Nope. Why, does it make you uncomfortable?"

"I-I just don't want anyone seeing you shirtless."

"Lance, you're the only guy who likes guys on this floor. Not to mention I'm the only gay."

"Just put a shirt on!"

"If it makes you more comfortable." I chuckle and grab one of my black shirts from the pile before walking out the door, "So what movie?"

"Anything but horror," Lance says grabbing onto my hand.

Squeezing his hand I say, "Alright, let's watch a comedy."

"That works for me!" We get to the lounge and Lance plops down on the couch as I go to the tv.

"How about Grownups?" I ask sorting through the disks.

"Me encanta la película!"


"I love the movie."

"Oh, I know you do," I say placing the disk into the slot and sitting next to Lance. We watch the movie and Lance puts his head on my lap.

"Did you fall asleep?"


"I guess he talks in his sleep..." I said petting his head.

"No, yo no hablo en mi duermo."

"I don't know what that means."

"No, I don't talk in my sleep."

"I know you don't, but I just love it when you speak Spanish..."

"Gracias." Lance says rolling his r.

"De nada."

"Bueno, tú comprende la parabla!"


"Good, you understood the word."

"I'm learning."

"Sí, es mas linda."

"I have no idea what that means..."

"Yes, it's very cute."

"Alright let's watch the movie..."



I'm sorry if my spanish was incorect or I spelled something wrong! I'm still learning! But I hope you injoyed this little chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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