Chapter One

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Intro Word: Artemis Smith falls in love with Kloey Rockson at Sunny Dayze, a psychiatric hospital far from home. Artemis is a tough girl, always dressed in black, white, and gray, and always wearing an intricate silver cross with a skull in the center around her neck, along with band bracelets on her wrists. Kloey has similar interests, with her energetic personality she finds that her perfect match is indeed Artemis. Through love and hate, the two girls strive to be accepted in the world. Will they be granted their wish? Or will they lose in the battle of going against society's standards? Find out as their story unwinds on a path of shadows and desire.

Artemis Smith, age seventeen, was being sent to a psychiatric hospital. She was depressed, suicidal, and had lost her self control. When she got to her room at Sunny Dayze, two other girls were there waiting for her. "Hi there, new roomie!" The one with light brown hair partially dyed teal greeted her. "I'm Kloey, K-L-O-E-Y. It's spelled differently than the usual way. What's your name?"

"I'm Artemis."

"Wow, that's a cool name! This is Rena. She's your other roommate."

"Cool," Artemis replied, lost in Kloey's beautiful brown gaze. "Wow," she murmured to herself. She shook Kloey's hand.

"Boundaries, ladies!" Mike, their staff person for the current shift, had popped his head in.

When he left, Artemis brushed her hand against Kloey and said "What are boundaries?"

Kloey snickered, then replied "I don't know" while sliding her hand over Artemis's waist. "I like you Artemis, you're cool!"

Yeah, you have no idea how I feel about you, Artemis thought to herself. Being a pansexual girl, gender didn't matter to her in a relationship. She quickly learned that Rena was gay and Kloey was a fellow pansexual. It was time for breakfast, and Kloey leaned over to Artemis. "The food here isn't the best, but you'll be okay. Hey, I like your tattoos!"

"Thanks. They each mean something." Breakfast was sausage, toast, and biscuits. While the other patients poked at their food, Artemis, Kloey, and Rena scarfed theirs down. "Hey, Kloey, are we allowed to have seconds?"

"Unfortunately, no, we're not. Do you want my sausage?"

"Sure. Thanks, Kloey." Artemis bit into it, trying to imagine it as the sausage in the gravy that she had for breakfast on biscuits back at home. She didn't succeed, but it tasted a little better. When they got back to the unit, it was time for group. Artemis groaned, remembering how group was at the hospital she had been to about a year earlier. She sat down next to Kloey, grabbing one of those cheap tiny pencils to write stuff on whatever paper she was going to be given. She received a paper quickly, handed to her by a fellow patient. "You a new girl?"

"Yeah. I'm Artemis."

"Jayna, sit down if you've finished passing out the papers," Mike stated sharply.

Jayna made a face, but sat down anyway. As Artemis filled out her paper, she could see out of the corner of her eye that Kloey was watching her. "Like what you see?"

"Hell yeah."

Artemis felt heat rising in her face, her pale skin turning pink. "Th-thanks."

"Anytime, baby."

A few days later, Artemis was lying on her back on her bed backwards, her head at the end and her feet facing the headboard. She was propped up on a pillow, playing wallball with her green stressball. Why can't I get Kloey out of my head? What is this intense feeling? She groaned, the image of Kloey making her tremble. That was not normal, as she was a rough and tough girl, things like that hardly ever happened. "Why is this happening to me?" She asked herself quietly.

"Hey." The sweet, angelic voice filled her head.


"That's me," Kloey chirped.


Kloey entered the room and sat on Artemis's bed. "What's up?"

"Kloey, I can't stop thinking about you. Please tell what this feeling is. There's a dull pain in my chest, like someone's putting pressure on my heart."

"It's called love, Artemis."

"But you also make me tremble when I imagine you-"

"That's called lust. And I feel the same way," Kloey interrupted her.

Artemis leaned up, pressing her lips against Kloey's mouth. She almost cheered with joy when she felt Kloey's lips move in sync with her own. They pulled back. "Kloey, we have to keep this a secret. If the staff find out-"

"They won't, I promise. And...we go to the same school."


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