preference #31 seeing an article about the two of you

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Harry: Today was a lazy day for the both of you. It was rainy, and very cold outside, so you were wrapped in a bunch of blankets with your laptops on the sofa. "Hey look, sugarscape wrote something about us." Before you could respond, Harry was at your side with his laptop. The two of you were laughing about all of the things they were saying, and how they were trying to guess how Harry was like in the bedroom. Oh boy!

Niall: You could hear Niall's laugh coming from the outside of the bathroom. You'd just gotten out of the shower, and decided to go see what was so funny. "Ni? What are you reading?" He looked up from his phone with a big smile on his face. "The sun wrote an article about us." You looked at him confused. "And that's funny how?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Some of the lies in here are extraordinary!"

Zayn: "This is so dumb." Zayn came into your shared flat, tossing a magazine onto the table in front of you. You set down your cup of tea, lifting the magazine in your hands. You'd noticed someone's written an article about the two of you, comparing you to his famous ex Perrie Edwards. "I think it's foolish that they try and compare her to you. She's the past, let's leave her there." You shrugged the whole thing off, and kissed your very flustered boyfriend on the cheek.

Louis: "Uh, Lou?" You walked into the kitchen where your boyfriend was attempting to cook himself some lunch. He turned to face you. "Sugarscape wrote another article about us." He rolled his eyes and took your phone. "Oh god what is it this time?" He looked down at the screen, laughing as he read the title. "Who's bum is better, Louis or his girlfriend's? Is this really what they write about now?" You shrugged, joining him on the laughter.

Liam: A fan on twitter sent you the link to an article from a gossip website in Australia. You were smiling while reading the whole thing, enjoying the fact that you were reading an article written about yourself. "What'cha got there babe?" Liam came and sat next to you, looking over your shoulder reading along with you. "They're right." You looked up from reading, confused at first. "They said you were beautiful. They're right." You really did have the perfect boyfriend.

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