preference #32 first kiss

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Harry: It was yours and Harry's third date. You were really starting to like him. He was funny, cute, charming, and a total gentleman. He took you to a cute little outdoor restaurant, and afterwards he walked you home. He gave you his blazer when you'd gotten a bit cold like the gentleman he is, even though you could tell he was very cold as well. The two of you reached your house, and has he leaned in to grab his blazer, you stood on you tip toes, kissing his perfectly pink lips. The two of you pulled away with huge smiles on your faces. It really was the perfect date.

Niall: You and Niall were at Nandos. You'd been on a few dates over the months. Things have been a little bit hectic since he has thousands of interviews almost every other day. But you'd like to keep seeing him, and you felt he'd like the same. "Someone tweeted he was in here!" A bunch of girls walked in and started searching the restaurant for your blonde date. The two of you quickly hid behind a menu. You were inches away from his face, and his lips just looked so perfect. You leaned in, kissing him softly, and his cheeks were slightly pink as you pulled away. "I thought that'd never happen." He said as he leaned in for another perfect kiss.

Zayn: Zayn was hanging out over at your place with a few friends. It was a pretty relaxed evening. Just the handful of you, and a bunch of snacks and horror movies. You were cuddled up into Zayn's side, trying to shield your eyes from the scenes on the tv. "Don't worry, I got you." You looked up and smiled, and he was smiling back. Were his eyes always this beautiful? He started to lean in for a kiss, and you closed the gap between you. "It's about time!" One of your best friends piped in, causing a burst of laughter from the rest of the room.

Louis: "Come on! They won't find us behind here!" You and Louis were on a date, when you were mobbed by crazy fangirls. You quickly escaped the madness, but were chased by them all around town! Louis pulled you behind a car so the two of you could catch your breath. "You alright?" He gave your hand a tight squeeze and gave you an apologetic smile. You nodded your head and his smile grew larger. "Here they come." He scooted closer to you, staying as still as possible until he knew they were gone. Your faces were so close, and you wanted to kiss him so badly. So you went for it. Let's just say the kiss was perfect, and you were caught by the crowd again.

Liam: Liam was driving you home from your date. He'd brought you to a really nice restaurant. You were beginning to really like him. You loved how nervous he got. He always tried extremely hard for everything to be perfect. He spilled his water on you just before pulling up to your house. "Oh my god I am so sorry!" You sat there laughing shaking your head. "Aw, you probably think I'm such an idiot now. I'm so sorry. I mean, it's been a while since I've dated. So I'm a bit rusty, but now I've ruined your-" You cut him off by kissing his lips. You pulled away and shook your head. "Liam, you're perfect. Don't worry about anything." To which he responded with a big smile.

Sorry this took so long I was busy with school and other stuff. Hope you like. Please keep on voting and commenting your requests thank you.

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