preference #30 he takes you back to where you first met

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Harry: Harry had taken you back to the tiny little coffee shop where the two of you had first met, for your one year anniversary. "Do you remember when i tipped my coffee all down your shirt?" You smiled at the memory, and nodded your head. "Yeah, and I screamed at you because I had to be at work in five minutes." He took your hand and led you to the small table by the window, where you both had sat after the coffee spill incident. "You ended up skipping the day at work to spend the day with me." The corners of his mouth went upwards as he said that comment, and you couldn't help but smile too. "I'll have to admit, I'm actually quite happy I spilled my coffee all over you that day." You smiled and nodded. "Me too."

Niall: Niall had blindfolded you a little earlier, and was just now guiding you so you wouldn't fall flat on your face. "Ni where are we going?" Your free hand moved up to remove the blindfold, but he stopped you. "We're almost there." Niall stopped and let go of your hand, and carefully untied to silk from your eyes. "Do you remember this place?" You nodded as you walked around smiling as you remembered the very first day you met Niall. He'd taken you to the park you bumped into him. You were going for a morning run, and he'd been shooting a music video. "Right here is where I ran into you." You laughed as you remembered. You were glancing down at your ipod to change the song, and you ran staright into Niall. "I'll never forget that one."

Zayn: "Aw Zayn! I remember this place!" Zayn took your hand and led you into the tattoo shop. The two of you met after a night of tons of drinks, and you'd managed to talk him out of getting a horrible tattoo. "You wanted Niall's face on your left ass cheek!" He rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the memory. "And I sure am glad you were there to talk me out of it." You smiled and nodded. "I still can't believe I was drunk enough to do something like that." You nodded, laughing at the thought of your boyfriend having Niall permanently tattooed on his ass. "You were so drunk! I'm actually surprised you remembered to call me the next day." He shrugged his shoulders. "It's all thanks to Liam. Mr. Matchmaker."

Louis: "And here's where I insulted your brightly colored shoes!" It may have been almost two years ago, but you remembered it like it was yesterday. You were at starbucks with a couple of friends when Louis came up to you and told you the color of your shoes was 'too bright and a little sickening'. The two of you laughed at the comment, and instantly clicked. "And right at that table is where I gave you my number." He smiled wide, and sat quiet for a few moments. "And I called you as soon as you left because I was afraid you'd given me the wrong number." You leaned over the table, pressing a kiss to your boyfriends lips. "I would never."

Liam: You and Liam were out for a morning jog when he stopped out the ordinary. "Wait, I want to go this way for a change." You shrugged your shoulders, following him down a different road than usual. He stopped at the park, and your face broke into a smile. "Do you remember the day we first met?" Liam turned to face you, smiling wide as well, and took your hand in his. You nodded at him, biting your lower lip. "I asked you for directions, and then you ended up being my personal tour guide for the day." He nodded and looked around. "It's funny how something so simple like being lost in the city of London can change someone's life forever." You nodded your head agreeing with him. It certainly changed your life forever, but you were so glad it did.

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