Chapter 13

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The next morning I woke up with a heavy feeling inside my heart-and no not just because it was Monday-but because last night's discussion with Izzy made me think about things that I had spent the better part of my life trying to forget. Yet now as I stood in front of the mirror trying to work out some knots in my hair, it was almost impossible to ignore. Because staring back at me was the face of a virtual stranger, it's true that most kids my age probably never thought about things like this. I mean why would they? Most kids knew who their parents where and by the same token they knew who they resembled and from who they got their traits. Unlike me they didn't wonder if there was someone out there that could claim their features. As for me, I hardly resembled my mother. For she was a true red head, with big blue eyes and a delicate heart shaped face. Whereas I, although having resembled her facial structure, got my coloring from my anonymous father my light brown eyes that shone a hazel/green in the sunlight and my dark mahogany waves that I now braided into a side pony.

 It was strange having the face of stranger, but as the alarm clock went off I shoved all depressing thoughts aside.

 There's no use dwelling on what you can't change, I thought as I got my gym bag ready. It was what my nanny back in England always used to tell me and today I tried my best to follow her advice.

Izzy was still sleeping so I moved quietly as I unlocked the door and made my way into the corridor.

I had just finished closing the door when I felt a hand clamp down over my mouth. Immediately my mind went to the worst possible scenarios and I tried to fight it off.

My efforts were futile.

"Shhh it's me," I heard a voice whisper.


He released me and made gestures with his hands that I understood to be.

Keep quiet and

Follow me.

I did.

Once we reached the school's gym, a large sate of the arts facility equipped with various work out machines a boxing ring, punching bags and a sauna. All courtesy of the Noble family might I add, I finally spoke.

"You know you have got to learn how to announce your presence. We have to stop meeting like this." I said referring to all the times he scared the lights out of me.

He leered at me,

"I agree."

"Next time you want my attention just buy me a box of chocolates or something. You know the normal stuff." I said jokingly.

The corners of his lips twitched upwards as he tried not to smile.

"Noted." he said and I gave a small smile.

Who would have ever thought that I would be flirting with Jordan Blake, in a gym of all places? Right before I would learn how to protect myself from the very reason that brought us together in the first place. It's funny, how life can be ironic.


"So," I asked "what exactly are we doing today?"

"Nothing too complex...just the basics like falling."


"Yeah, one of the first things you should learn is how to fall properly in order to avoid injury later on while training."

I blinked a couple of times.

"It's funny I never knew there was a right or a wrong way to fall. I just thought that falling in general was something people tended to avoid."

He looked focused as he spoke.

"It is...but when you start learning these self defense techniques falling will be inevitable."

I shrugged it all seemed logical to me and besides, the way he spoke and the silent confidence that radiated from him assured me that he knew what he was talking about.

"So let's get started," I said with a smile.

After a couple of warm ups and two so-called "mandatory" laps around the gym we launched into a series of techniques. Where he would demonstrate the appropriate falling technique for different situations and I would try to mirror his movements. At first I was a bit shaky and it was a good thing that we used the practice mats. Otherwise I would have been all battered and bruised.

After what felt like the hundredth attempt, I was actually getting the hang of it. This was partly due to the fact that Jordan was a good teacher he was patient and understanding, but I found that his demeanor had changed from the easy going confidant person to a more reserved and highly focused one. It was fascinating to watch how he would knit his brows when in deep concentration, in that moment I found him quit endearing.

By the end of our practice session I was sweaty and worn out and he looked as if he had barely lifted a nail in the past hour and a half. Besides feeling all sticky I was actually in a good mood. Jordan said it was probably the feel good endorphin's kicking in. As we left the gym together  I was going to ask him for more details about how he managed to find a loop hole with the curfew and dorm monitors but all thoughts were forgotten when I looked up to find him watching me in the most peculiar manner. The towel I had been using to dab at my neck fell limp.

"What?" I asked feeling self conscious.

He seemed to snap out of it.

"Nothing, it's just that your hair looks nice when the sunlight shines on it like that."

I looked up at the sky and realized it was sunrise.

He's words caught me off guard and I fumbled for things to say. What came out of my mouth was awkward and certainly not awe inspiring.  

"Err...umm thanks?" I said but it sounded more like a question.

After that we walked to the dormitories in an awkward silence and when we reached the intersection separating the girl's dormitories from the boy's we came to a halt.

"Good work today, see you tonight same place?"

I nodded by way of saying yes and we both went our separate ways.

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