// 7. If There Was An Art Store Out There //

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After he'd finished unpacking, Tyler went straight back to his painting. The digital clock (which he'd just unpacked) on his desk read 1:28 PM, but he wasn't hungry, so he didn't bother getting something to eat. Tyler was just like that sometimes--he didn't think he had an eating disorder seeing as he didn't dislike eating; he just didn't really feel hungry some days.

And so, Tyler simply painted.

Until that is, he ran out of red paint.

He'd needed to buy some for weeks but had been putting it off. Red was not a color he commonly used, so he hadn't thought he'd need it. But now, he does. "Shit..."

He certainly couldn't go to the art store he always used to go to; he didn't have a car, and his parents rarely let him use theirs. If there was an art store out there, Tyler was going to have to ride his bike in order to find it.

Tyler went to his closet, which was somehow already messy, and dug out his dark blue backpack. After pulling his wallet out of it, he found that he had just enough money for a tube of paint or two; if he was going to buy anything else soon, he would have to earn more cash. Slipping his phone and wallet into his pockets, Tyler threw a sheet over his painting and left his room.

He found his parents in the living room. Just as Tyler had predicted, they were talking about painting the house. Apparently, Tyler's mother wanted to paint it pale gray, while Tyler's father just wanted to change the shade of brown. He hoped his mother won the argument.

"I'm going out," Tyler said, once there was finally a lull in his parents' conversation.

"Alright. Be back before dinner." Tyler's mother only gave her son a fleeting glance before going back to arguing about paint chips. 

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