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Mikey was sleeping soundly in his bed. The Ravenclaw (yes, he's a Ravenclaw) tower remained silent as always. It was never really noisy anyways. At least not like the Gryffindor or Slytherin common rooms. The silence was pressing and he was running aimlessly in his dreams. Suddenly he felt something touch his wrist and woke up. Before him stood Tyler, tears staining his cheeks.

"M-Mikey." He said feebly. Mikey was struck awake. This wasn't the first time Tyler had woken him up.

"I'm here. Don't worry." Mikey said as he stood up from his bed and put Tyler in his arms. Tyler was a fragile little thing. Too bad his boyfriend was in a different house. They walked over to a little sofa and poured a glass of water to Tyler.

"Do you want to tell me what happened. Was it a dream?" Mikey asked softly. Tyler nodded. 

"I-I was outside. Flying. And then I fell off my broom but I was caught by this monster and then we where at my funeral. Everyone was crying but couldn't see me." His voice began trembling, "J-Josh... M-my Josh. He was destroyed." Tyler said as tears came rolling down his cheeks again. 

"Well at least he was sad this time, wasn't he?" Mikey said, trying to comfort him. It worked and Tyler let out a little laugh.

"I guess." He said looking at the glass in his hands. He opened his mouth again, "Hey Mikey?"

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Can I sleep in your bed with you tonight?"

"Sure thing."

And they did, just like many times before. The first time Mikey comforted Tyler was in his first year. He had woken up to sobbing and found Tyler on the windowsill. A nightmare had made him break down. He had a lot of those. After a month or two of nightmares and comforting, Tyler and Mikey fell asleep in Mikey's bed. They just kept doing that when Tyler needed. Nobody was mad. Josh was just thankful and happy that someone took care of Tyler when he couldn't be there.


The next day, they informed Josh about the happening and Tyler got attacked by hugs from group members that wasn't even supposed to hear the conversation. Patrick almost cried motherly tears again and Gerard offered to draw his dream. It helped to be able to see the thing you're scared about. It was much scarier to have a faint memory than a physical copy of the thing in Tyler's opinion. Gerard enjoyed drawing his dreams. They where very vivid and had great prompt's. 

Everyone ate breakfast and was off to class. They all had different thoughts in mind. Some were deep, others not so much. Gerard was thinking of how to express the dream on paper with just a simple pencil and Brendon was thinking about dicks. Straight up, just dicks. Not even shameful about it. He told Patrick and got smacked on the head with a sleeve. Tyler, however, couldn't stop feeling guilty about sleeping in the same bed as someone other than Josh. It wasn't that he didn't like it, he really did, it just felt weird in a way. What if Mikey thought he was annoying? What if Josh was secretly jealous? What if...

"Mikey? Is it weird that we sleep together?" Tyler asked. Joe in front of them laughed.

"I don't think. It's just bros trusting and helping each other with rough times. Do you?" Mikey responded. Joe was still giggling.

"I guess you're right. I do have a boyfriend and the closest thing you and me do is like, cuddling or hugging." Tyler said.

"Yeah. And I have Pete too. Me and my bro did stuff like this all the time If we had a thing goin' on, it would be incest and super weird." Mikey said. Ryan had started laughing with Joe now.

"Hey! What are you two laughing about?" Tyler said, slightly irritated. Joe turned around, walking backwards.

"You two are having the weirdest conversation ever right now." He said with a shit-eating grin.

"Oh stop. Brendon have had worse with all of us." Tyler said.

"Once, he asked about Pete's dick size." Mikey said, staring in the air with trauma in his eyes.

"Did you tell him?" Joe asked.

"I was twelve! I hadn't seen it yet!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Yet! "

"That's not what I meant! I haven't-"

"You and Pete have fucked, haven't you! Wait 'till Gee hears about this! He'll kill Pete!"

"Stop!" Mikey said as Joe and Ryan ran. Tyler looked over at Mikey and giggled.

"What? It's not like you and Josh haven't done the dirty!"

"I'm not denying it at least." Tyler said with a smug smile.

"Oh come on!" Mikey said and smacked the back of Tyler's head lightly as they made their way into class.


After class, they saw Joe talking to Gerard with an excited face. They started running. Then Frank appeared, running next to them.

"Why are we running?" Frank asked.

"Me and Pete, Joe, Gerard can't know." Mikey said. He couldn't manage to make coherent sentences.

"Don't worry. I've got this." Frank said as he speed up and tackled Joe to the ground. Hard. Tyler and Mikey arrived to Gerard. Joe and Frank was rolling around with Frank having his teeth deep in Joe's hand. Joe was crying out in pain.

"Joe was just about to tell me something, Frank!" Gerard said with a minimal amount of surprise in his voice, this was not unusual for Frank somehow.

"I-It's probably nothing. He's full of shit." Mikey said, very out of breath. Gerard agreed and everyone went to their separate classes. 

Mikey's secret was still safe. For now.


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