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;) *evil laugh* -J

3rd person P.O.V.

16 years after The Last Light

There were nights where Kaia didn't sleep, It was hard for her to do anything honestly after what happened in the fight against Zach and the others. She knew what she did was in self defense, but it still felt wrong having killed the poor girl.

Silver tried his best these last few years to help Kaia but the only happiness she's had lately was 7 years ago when the twins were born. He could make her happy but it was rare when he did, because the grief of killing Ray was always there and it always messed up her mood.

Little things brought back the memories of that fight, ones she tried so hard to suppress, it really didn't help that Heiwa and Cyrus named their only daughter after Ray and It was getting to the point the she was breaking, Kaia was no longer herself and everyone could see it and everyone was scared of losing her. They were scared of what could possibly happen to their best friend, they were scared of the worst.

Even with all the thoughts in Kaia's head, her friends stayed by her side. Tyler was affect the most it seems, he hated seeing Kaia this broken, he wished he could do more to help her but whenever he tried she simply pushed him away and he couldn't do anything.

"Kaia please." Tyler would beg, trying to get his best friend to eat something more than just a small sandwich.

"Leave me alone Tyler." She'd respond blankly, before rolling over and under her covers again, hiding away from the world.

"But Ka-" He'd start, getting cut off by her.

"I said leave me alone."


Tyler would leave the room, leaving the food he brought for her on her bedside table, hoping she'd maybe eat something but it never happened, she would just get up and bring the food outside of the room and set it down in front of the door, but Tyler always thought she ate it because the plate would be empty when he picked it up what he didn't know was that the dogs ate the food after she put it outside.

And then there was Maura, her sister's death broke her. She moved back in with her parents who were never around enough to comfort her. They had a funeral not long after Ray's death, but their parents didn't attend.

Maura stood alone in the cold rain as she watched the only person she loved be buried in the ground. Never once taking her eyes off the gravestone that read her sisters name. The only other person to show up at her sister's funeral was Silver, the husband of her. She didn't even have the decency to go to the funeral of the one she kill with her own hands. According to Silver she had been in a state of extreme depression ever since.

It would be false to say Maura didn't secretly wish for Kaia's death, because she did, all the time. She wished Kaia died instead of her sister, but she'll never say those thoughts aloud, she's not that cruel.

It would also be false to say that Maura did not form feelings for the boy with silver hair, she just wouldn't admit it, though she enjoyed spending time with him when they were able.

"Hey Maura, I'm sorry about what happened to Ray." Silver would say at random times, he felt bad because he knew how much Maura cared for her. She opened up to him quite a bit in the last two or so years.

"Thank you, Arashi." She'd respond, never calling him by his first name, because his name gave her a feeling she didn't like but at the same time that she did like.

"Of course, I mean it was kind of my wife's fault." He'd mumble, feeling worse about it the more he brings it up.

"Arashi, don't worry." 

I'm not sorry.... BUT HEY WE'RE BACKKKK finally. Just a warning, the next couple, well more like entire book, is gonna be quite intense. Sorry, not sorry. <3 -Kaden

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