ask 10 and 11

43 3 2

(.....I feel bad for Enderlox....and its only gonna get worse for the poor bby....also quick as you'd expect Enderlox kills things or people to help his urges so he doesn't kill one of his friends or TC but if he doesn't kill he slowly starts to snap and if his able to hold himself together the urges hurt him and its really difficult for's just a small explanation....if your still confused you'll see what I mean through time....the chapter has the beginning of it but as time progesses you will see it get much worse for yeah....also this isn't based off of real life or atleast not completely so there's not gonna be much logic to it)

Skybrine: AND WE'RE BACK!!! BACK AGAIN!!!!

Jerome: ANOTHER ONE!!!

Skybrine: shush!!!

Enderlox: *twitches*

Mitch: *staring at Enderlox ready to knock him out*

BatSsundee: Enderlox are you ok buddy?

Enderlox: mmmm....s-sorta....I've never gone more than a day without killing....usually when I snap I'm super this is new....

HuskyMadKipz: it'll just get worse I'm afraid....are you gonna be ok?

Enderlox: *twitches again* ....I-I....I-I guess?....I don't know....

SetoBlaze: hang in there...

Enderlox: I-I'll...i-I'll try....

Skybrine: lets....just get into it

just get into it

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Enderlox: ...... *hugs Ty/Deadlox back (just this once cause the poor bby needs it)*

Mitch: how the heck did the other version of me teleport!?!?!? I'm jealous!!

Jerome: *shrugs*

SetoBlaze: thank you!!! It needs to be censored!

Seto: ehhhhh.....TH or any hybrids?

Skybrine: idk....we'll just say any hybrids for this though

Seto: ok....either way would've been a yeah cause me and WitherMU dated before (SetoMU OwO....I read a fanfic of it not to long ago and this gave me the perfect opportunity OWO)

WitherMU: excuse me? We're still dating

Seto: and happily...just didn't say it cause I wanted him to be jealous if someone dared me to kiss someone (most likely Brice) but a question is a question *smiles*

Jason: ehhhhhhh not really....I'm dating Ty

Ty: and that means I'm not dating a hybrid either

Mitch: nah

Jerome: nope

Husky: no

Sky: meh....nope

Ian: NU!

Seto: am I the only one who is?

Ty: mhm

Seto: REALLY GUYS!?!?!?

Jason: hah!

Enderlox: *twitches slightly* a-a reason? U-um

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Enderlox: *twitches slightly* a-a reason? U-um....n-not particularly...a-and the scars?...i-I...I-I'd whether not say right now.....

Skybrine: you....gonna be ok for the next 9 days? (The process got started over it is the 3rd day Enderlox hasn't been able to kill just since the process started over they're are still 9 days left meaning if I do math correctly there is 12 days instead of 10....*litteraly uses a calculator cause I suck at math* yep 12 days instead of 10)

Enderlox: I-I...yeah...I-I'll be fine

Mitch: *has a hand on his sword* I will stab you if you snap (Mitch no that isn't right!!! Its the first time his doing something like this!! (Because of dah dare) you cannot hurt the bby!)

SetoBlaze: *burns Mitch's hand* no!

Mitch: OW!!! JESUS CHRIST!!! (You deserve it T_T)

SetoBlaze: no stabbing!

Mitch: he could kill us!!

Enderlox: *twitches again and whimpers in slight discomfort* I-I won't though...

Mitch: I don't by it!! *glares at Enderlox*

Skybrine: stop it!! Lets just end this chapter pls (stop breaking the fourth wall pls!! Even if there's a lot of stuff blocking it so fangirls don't get through since they'd be shocked and then teleported right back out and that process shall continue plus traps and such)

Mitch: ....fine....

Skybrine: with that being said....bye

Everyone: *waves bye TH staring at Enderlox with worry and TC staring at him with fear*

Enderlox: *twitches before waving* b-bye...

Mitch: *moves a hand to his sword again staring at Enderlox as he waves with the other hand* bye.....

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