Acknowledgment and Dedication

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"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much".

-Helen Keller

Thank you is simple words to explain the gradtitute that I feel right now. I thank the almighty for always putting me in challenging environments and propelling me to simply evolve. He just can't see my sit idle and by now, I have met different kind of places, learnt different skills and hope that in future too that almighty would give me the power to keep learning and keep me ever curious and let me grow as much as I can.

Home is just a collection of bricks and furniture without you two. 

Dear mom and dad, thanks for always letting me believe that I was born to do greater things. You've always put up with all phases of my life. You supported me even when I came up with the most bizarre ideas like being a writer for profession or opening a boutique. You've always been a pillar of strong support and I know that whatever I do, I can fall back on you. Like all my writing, this book is too heavily inspired by you, us. Keep inspiring me and letting me fly higher.

To every person that I met, you maybe a friend, acquaintance, crush or even someone I looked upto. Whoever you're, our talks, banters and just my mere observation has helped me a lot in understanding the world around me a little better.

"Literature is a mirror of our society."

So, whatever I write will mirror my perception of the World around me.

To every reader, every person out there that has supported and helped me write and build a portfolio that I can fall back upon, thanks a lot. Your support means a lot.

To every person that hated my guts, your criticism helped me in ways, I can't explain.

Thank you to every person that helped me on this wonderful journey. 

Last but not least, a huge thank you to my squad with whom I dream of an escapade around the World. Let's dream more and execute them as well. ;)



To the person, you've become...

You are either living someone else's dream or fighting hard not to give up on your own life and dreams. But whatever it is, never stop dreaming and living!!

May the force be with you.


Anuradha Sivaraman


This is a pilot version meant for beta readers. As beta readers, I look forward to your comment. Thanks for your love and support on "Love Blossoms". If you've not yet, read it, you can find the story in my profile link. Thank you!!

The chapters will follow soon...

Await the book

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