I'll Protect Our World

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The first thing greeting him when he woke up were warm fingers wrapped around his own, bringing a small smile to his face. Ever since that night those fingers haven't left his hand and Yanan felt reassured, loved and happy. His injury was more bearable as he was waiting for Changgu to come back every day after a hectic schedule and simply hold his hand before going to much needed sleep.

Time has passed and his recovery went smoother than expected, the clock ticking seemingly going faster as both his and his best friend's mood got brighter. He knew Pentagon family was happy, anticipating him coming back to them, anticipating everything going back to the way it's supposed to be. Yanan was making sure to keep himself busy, practicing as much as he could when he was left alone, doing his best to come back to Pentagon activities more ready than ever. The progress he was making was making him feel useful again and rare times Jinho and Hui could stop by the studio to check up on him left him proud of the satisfied expression on their faces.

Remaining days of his recovery weren't only filled with work though. A large part of his mind was occupied by no one other than Changgu. At first Yanan was sure that was normal, considering the relationship they had – their friendship so strong. The older boy has been by his side for such a long time, the easiness with which Changgu became such an important part of his life making him amazed whenever he thought about it. Yanan wasn't so dependent on others normally, but Changgu was just different. Changgu could do that to people, all he needed to do was to decide. Decisions like that came easily and Yanan had no choice. Then again, he was pretty sure things wouldn't have been any different even if he had.

Pentagon's energizer was irresistible and Chinese boy was welcomed with arms opened so wide he just needed to fall into them and suffocate in attention. He enjoyed basking in it, relaxing and letting Changgu make him feel like he was the only thing that mattered. Sometimes it felt like Changgu created this special world in which Yanan took the main role – the world where he was the centre of Universe and it felt too good, a safe haven where he could be a pampered, loving baby. Yanan was anything but selfish though, so taking advantage of his best friend was absolutely out of the question. Changgu was shining even brighter because of it and with time Chinese boy realized that was really all the happiness he needed.

Being forced to stay at home while the rest of Pentagon family went to work was terrible, yes, but not nearly as hard as missing Changgu. Those feelings should've frightened him and lowkey they did, but the bond was formed too long ago to even start questioning it. Thoughts about regretting it were out of the question too, especially because not regretting it was one thing he was absolutely sure about. Fear – no matter how small it was – was still there. Yet, he was missing him like crazy and there was nothing he could do about it except cling onto him whenever they were together.

Clinging wasn't Yanan's thing, but under Changgu's protection it became one of the most natural things to him. Another amazing ability the older boy possessed. As it was natural he didn't put much thought to it and sometimes it almost seemed like his body had a mind of its own, reaching for his best friend before his brain could process what's going on. He would wrap his long limbs around beaming Changgu and the older boy's smile would chase the smallest clouds forming in Yanan's mind and everything would be alright, without question.

Transition in Chinese boy's feelings sneaked up on him skillfully, the realization catching him off guard one dark night when he woke up from a bad dream, almost frantically searching for a familiar face in the darkness, seconds later feeling reassured by that warm hand firmly holding his own. It was too dark, but he stared at where he thought Changgu's face must be and pictured every inch of it, vivid image of the older boy staring back at him with such love and admiration in his eyes instantly warming up his whole body and making him feel safe yet again. And then the thought flashed in his mind, the heavy truth – I love him.

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