Chapter 3

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N was a faithful partner, he wasn't the type of person to look through the other person's phone. He trusted Leo, but for some reason N couldn't stop himself from reaching across the bed to grab Leo's phone. He also couldn't stop himself from unlocking the phone using his fingerprint and looking through Leo's pictures, call history and finally his contacts. N hated himself, he isn't the jealous type. He hated that he had no self control at this moment in time and he hated that his body filled with rage to see one contact on Leo's phone that wasn't even a contact! This 'contact' had no name. All there was, was an emoji. A diamond to be exact, a blue upside down triangle with folds. N grabbed his own phone and copied down the number to his notepad before putting Leo's phone back on charge and going out to pour Leo a cup of coffee before he left for work.

N took a couple of deep breaths and put on the brightest smile he could find deep within himself. Sometimes he envied Leo his lack of communication. N didn't like being the person who always picked up on the fact that Leo was upset but Leo could never tell when N was hiding his emotions. He couldn't tell when or why N was upset and it pissed N off sometimes.

"Hey, hun." Leo says giving N a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbing his cup of coffee off the table.

"Hey, hey."

N was upset and what made it worse was that he couldn't talk to Leo about it. What would he even say? Who's that contact on your phone? That sole emoji? Yeah, I snooped but I did it because I care! When actually he did it because... because...he didn't even know why he did it. N didn't understand why he was doing what he was doing these days.

N heard the door click shut in the distance. Leo had left...

"AAH!" N threw his cup of coffee across the room. He was frustrated. After pacing back and forth across his living room he'd decided that before he burned a whole through their carpet he'd call his best friend.

N clicked 1 and pressed the green call button. His very first speed dial contact was still his best friend, he'd never give his number one spot away to anyone; not even Leo.

"Hey, idiot." N said with relief, glad Ken wasn't in a meeting and had actually picked up his phone.

"What's up, Jerk Face?" He heard Ken say on the other end and despite it all a smile rose to N's face.

"Stop, drop and roll?" N grinned as he said their 'secret code'.

"Call!" Ken said on the other line and a knot in N loosened knowing Ken would be here as soon as he could. N decided to clean up the mess he made when he threw his cup across the living room. While cleaning N couldn't help but think back to when him and Ken were back in grade 6 they were invited to their first party. Ken had decided since there were going to be drugs there - N let's out a laugh at this- they needed a code so that the other person knew one was in trouble and the deal was that they'd stop whatever they were doing, run to where the other person was and leave immediately. N was glad for their code and surprised that they'd kept using it all throughout High school and University.

N hears loud, aggressive banging on the door and he rushes to answer it. As soon as N unlocks the door he is practically tackled to the floor by Ken. Laughing N wraps his arms around Ken, glad that he had decided to call him.

"Where's the fire?" Ken laughs walking to the living room.

"In my heart." N reply's siting down next to Ken.

"Want me to kill Leo for you? You're gonna have to help me hide the body though." N laughs.

"It's not Leo." Ken looks confused but waits patiently for N to explain.

"Basically, you know how I have a trigger for religion? Well there's this cult I was searching up and Leo said something that pissed me off... he sounded like he supported it which okay, yeah, is a bit insane because it's Leo! But I'm like pissed of too because there's this contact on his phone that's just a diamond emoji. Like just an emoji!"

"So you think he's cheating on you?"

"No, I mean, it's Leo!" Ken lets out a chuckle at N's words.


"Well, I copied the number down..." N smiles guiltily.

"Of course you did." Ken laughs and grabs N's phone of the table and holds it out to him.

"Well, go ahead, call." N grins and unlocks his phone.

He types in #314 before calling the number so his phone couldn't be tracked, a little trick he learned in University.

The sound of the call connecting rings through the room and N's hearts beating so fast even Cray looks over at N from his bed by their bedroom door. Finally the call connects and a soft, female 'hello' comes in from the other end of the phone.

Ken grabs the phone from N and puts it on speaker.

"Hello! Hi, how are you?" He says.

"Fabulous and you, sir?" The voice replies cheerily.

It better not be...

"Right, great, so what can I get?" Ken says.

"Well we meet every Wednesday and Thursday so please tell me which meeting you'd like to attend."

"Tomorrow, Wednesday would be great!" Ken says giving N a look.

"Perfect, GemVice welcomes you, N." the woman says as she ends the call.

N shoots to his feet.


Absolutely Impossible.

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