Chapter 1: Re-united

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???'s P.O.V.

When the boulder crumbled, I saw a blonde dude sitting on Gaara with a hunched over figure next to him. When the figure's eyes scanned over the crowd of people that came, it's eyes widened when they landed on me. I gazed through the holes and saw eyes I knew from somewhere but I didn't remember where. "SAYORI?!?!?!?!" The thing said."Oh, it knows my name. Wait............  IT KNOWS MY NAME!?!?!??!??!?! WHAT THE HELL DUDE!!!! WHAT ARE YOU?!?!??!?!?? A STALKER!?!???!?!??" I yelled. Wait I know that voice anywhere. " Sasori ?" I questioned. " Sayori don't go over there" Granny commanded. "SASORI!!!!!!!" I yelled running over into his open arms ignoring the chorus of protests from the group I came with. I finally reached him and jumped into his arms for a hug. I guess I should introduce my self. Hi guys! My name is Sayori! I'm Sasori's little sister. 

(A/N Should I continue it?)

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