The Coffee Shop

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Harry's P.O.V.

I spent two days with Lily while she recovered from her injuries, and then the doctor said that she was free to be admitted from the hospital. My poor baby was on crutches but at least she was able to get around. Lily and I have spent the past few days catching up and I honestly can't begin to understand how I could leave someone so amazing. She makes me laugh so hard that I almost pee and her smile literally melts my heart. God I'm still seeing Caroline, how was I going to tell Lily? I want to stay with her and tell her that I love her but I leave England in a week and will be heading for Australia to continue the tour. I honestly don't know how I was going to be able to leave her again.

"Harry? Are you okay?" Lily looked at me with worry in her eyes. I smiled and pulled her into my lap.

"Of course Princess. How about we get out of this hospital and head over to Starbucks?" I asked. She nodded excitedly. I pulled her up and grabbed her crutches and handed them to her.

When we got to the parking lot I helped her into the new Camaro I had bought. Wow she mouthed as she sat in the car. I just smiled and began to drive towards the Starbucks. When we got there I got out of the car and ran to the other side to open up her door.

"Thanks." She mumbled. Then looked at her crutches and groaned. I could tell that she didn't like them. I smirked and immidiately picked her up and put her on my back. "Harry!" She squealed.

"Relax! I know you don't like the crutches so I'll give you a piggyback into Starbucks." I smirked.

"Thank you." She said and bent down to kiss my cheek. I already felt a blush creeping up my cheek. "You know you can be such a sweetheart when you try." She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I set her down in a chair before I went up to go get her the frappuccino that I know she loved. I returned with two Oreo frappuccinos and she cheered. "You are such a little kid!" I laughed at her as she began licking the whipped cream from the top. She glared at me and continued doing what she was doing. God I loved her so much. Right then my phone started to ring. I picked it up without looking at the caller I.D.


"Hey babe! It's Caroline! I just got off of work and I think I need some Harry time if you know what I mean." She whispered into the phone. Oh holy shit! I really didn't want to deal with her right now. I just wanted to spend the day with Lily. She looked up from her drink and asked me who was on the phone. I just sighed and put the phone on the table and put my head in my hands.

"Harry?! Hello?" I could hear Caroline saying. All of the sudden, I saw Lily reaching for my phone and before I could grab it she was putting it to her ear.


"Uh who is this?" I heard Caroline say.

"It's Lily! Who is this?" Lily giggled into the phone. Oh God. Lily please just stop talking. I tried to reach for the phone but she just pushed me away.

"This is Caroline Harry's girlfriend!" I saw a look of sadness wash over Lily's face but was gone as fast as it came.

"Oh hello Caroline..." She mumbled. "I've heard so much about you. Harry really is a lucky guy for having someone like you in his life. Um so I guess I'll give the phone back to Harold now. It was nice talking to you..." Lily mumbled before handing me the phone back.

"Harry who the hell was that?!" Caroline practically yelled in my ear.

"My friend Lily. And Caroline I don't think I'm going to be able to see you today because I told Lily I would spend the day with her."

"Fine! I guess I'll just have to find someone else to have sex with!!!" She screamed before hanging up. I could tell Lily had heard because she was awkwardly stirring her drink and keeping her eyes on the floor.


"Harry just take me home and then you can um...hang out with your....girlfriend." She mumbled while still keeping her eyes on the floor.

"Lily the only person I want to be with right now is you. Can't you see that?" I said while looking straight into her eyes. Before I knew what I was doing, I could feel myself leaning closer and closer to her. When we were only an inch or two apart I whispered "I love you." I pulled her into a passionate kiss and we stayed like that for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes.

"I love you too." She whispered and I swear if I died right now, I would die a happy man.

Don't Ever Leave Me Again: A Harry Styles Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now