The Accident

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"HARRY!!!!" I screamed as I saw my absolute favorite person in the world walk off of his plane. He ran up to me and I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. I hadn't seen my best friend in two years. "I love you Lily" He mumbled into my hair, and that's when I realized that I was dreaming.

I have been having the same dream for a month now. My dreams are haunted by Harry and every morning I wake up disappointed. Harry Styles and I had grown up living next to each other. He was my best friend growing up, ever since he had taught me how to jump off of the swing in kindergarten. We had been inseperable from that moment forward, that is until he tried out for the X Factor and joined One Direction. I haven't seen Harry since the day that he made it onto the X Factor. It's like there is a hole in my heart without him here. I have been in love with Harry since kindergarten, but I never had the guts to tell him to his face. Who was I kidding anyway, he's famous and just wanted to forget about his past and move on. I just wish he hadn't forgotten about me when he decided to move on. So I had to do the same as him and just move on. I moved to London with my best friend Chloe a year ago and got myself a job as a bartender at a local club.

I dragged myself out of bed and pulled on my favorite pair of ripped Hollister jeans and my brother's Red Sox hoodie then stumbled down the stairs.

"G'morning sleeping beauty!" my roommate Chloe said. I gave her a small smile and walked into the kitchen to make myself some coffee before I had to go to work. I grabbed my favorite mug, the one Harry had gotten me for my sixteenth birthday and filled it with coffee. I gave Chloe a hug before I ran to grab my keys and jumped into my 2012 Mustang GT 500. I loved my car, it was a graduation gift from my dad. It was white with two black racing stripes and I always felt like a racecar driver when I drove it.

As I merged onto the highway on my way to work at the club, my phone fell on the floor of my car. I sighed and tried to grab it and when I finally had found it I put it back in my cupholder. What happened next would change my life forever. Before I had time to react, I was rear ending a Porshe in front of me. I felt my face slam into the airbag and my leg snap. I could taste blood in my mouth and the last thing I remember before blacking out was being carried out of the car and praying to God that no one in the car I had hit was hurt.


Harry's P.O.V.

Shit, I thought as I saw the white Mustang behind me coming at my car at full speed. I looked over at Liam and he looked back at me with a look of worry and shock. The next thing I knew, my car was being slammed forward and the airbags were deployed. After composing myself and realizing that neither I nor Liam were hurt, I went to go look at the driver of the Mustang. When I approached the car I almost threw up. Holy shit! Lily was in the car and there was blood all over her face. I threw the door open and grabbed her out as fast as I could. Liam had already called an ambulance and I could hear sirens in the distance.

Lily was knocked out and I saw her leg twisted in a way that didn't look right. Oh God her face. There was blood all over it and bruises had already started to form on her eye and jaw. I could feel the tears coming and decided to just let them fall down my face. I hadn't seen or heard from Lily in two years. We had always been best friends, even though I wanted to be more. My LilyPad. Oh God I never should have left her. The loud sound of sirens pulled me from my thoughts and two paramedics came to lift her from my arms and Liam hopped into the driver's seat of my now trashed Porshe.

"Liam..." I mumbled. "That was Lily, my best friend from Holmes Chapel."

"Wait. You mean the one that you love?!" Liam asked in shock. I nodded. "Holy shit! We better get to the hospital then." He said and sped down the highway after the ambulance.

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