Chapter 1

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Author's Note

Have fun reading it


~Jade's POV~

"Harry when are you fucking coming back, your tour is over, call me back" I cursed through the phone leaving a voicemail, not finishing what I wanted to say through the phone

"Mommy" I hear Lux say from the living room

"Yeah, I'm coming" I said putting my phone in my back pocket

"Look what i made" Lux said pointing to the scribbles in the paper

"What's this?" I asked confused not knowing what she drew

"It's a drawing of daddy, you and me" Lux said pointing to each scribble she did that represented each one of us

"When will daddy come home" lux asked playing with stuff that surrounded her.

"He's on tour right know, baby" I lied, he finished his tour a week ago, but he hasn't come home. I don't think he will ever come back, it's been two years since we last saw him.

"I want to see him mommy"

"Yes, I know you do, so do I" My voice cracked, tears trying to escape my eyes. Harry left us when Lux was one year old and came back when she turned three but he hasn't come back since then.

"Are you ok mommy" Lux questioned

"Yeah, I'm fine" I lied, clearing my throat. I couldn't take it anymore, I kept lying to Lux it's making me feel horrible

"Lux, do you remember you daddy" I asked her, tears forming in my eyes once again

She didn't answer, She just got up and hugged me,reaching only up to my knees, I kneeled down and planted a kiss in her forehead, after that she ran upstairs to her room, I just sat on the sofa with my head between my knees, tears streaming down my face and thinking what will happen between me and Harry. How will I tell Lux, she doesn't remember him at all she was just a baby when he left us

I stayed in that position for like 10 minutes long, and thinking to myself it's not worth crying for a guy that doesn't love you anymore.

I got up and wiped the tears from my cheeks and eyes, trying not mess up my makeup.

Looking in the mirror in the hallway, I headed upstairs to check on Lux, on my way to her room I took a deep breath and walked in.

As I was walking in I saw Lux drawing something, I stood behind her to see what she was drawing and it was scribbles of all colors

"Look mommy"

"That's beautiful, honey lets put it on the fridge" not wanting to ask what it was

"Want to go out?" I asked her, while leading her down the stairs.

"Yes, but where we going" Lux questioned taking the picture from my hand and going to the kitchen

"Lets go to the playground, it's a few minutes away from here, later I'll buy you something" I answered giving her a magnet to hang her drawing.

"Yay" she clapped her tiny hands with a big smile on her face

I tickled her, until she started giggling hard, I love hearing her laughter it's so cute, that's the only thing that's makes me happy. After that I fixed her clothes and headed out.


~ Harry's POV ~

I hear my phone ring, I picked it up from the table and I see that Jade was calling I didn't bother picking it up, because all she does is complain, this, that, I'm sick of it. Once it stopped ringing I see that she left a voicemail, I check it and it said "Harry when are you fucking coming back, your tour is over, call me back" and in the background I heard lux voice "mommy"; oh how I missed my little princess. Jade just pushes my buttons and drives me nuts, that's the reason I don't want to go back home, all we do is argue.

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