Grades, Bullying, and More!

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"Mr. Fenton!" The teacher, Mr. Lancer yelled loudly, waking the teen boy from a peaceful sleep.
"S-sorry Mr. Lancer." Danny apologized and sat up straighter, resting his tired head in his hand. As the students around him laughed and stared, Danny just tried to focus on staying awake.
"I want to see you after class Mr. Fenton, you hear me?" Danny nodded and began to copy down the notes he had missed.

"Mr. Fenton.... This is the third time this week that you have fallen asleep in my class, what are you doing? Staying up all night?" Mr. Lancer questioned.
"Yeah, up all night fighting those stupid ghosts." Danny mumbled to himself.
"What was that?" Mr. Lancer asked suddenly.
"Um, I was just saying that I was up all night studying for another class.. Yeah! So that's.... Why?" Danny grinned, hoping his teacher would buy the lie. Mr. Lancer glared down at the teen suspiciously. Danny forced a bigger smile.
"Fine, just try not to fall asleep again." He dismissed him with a wave and turned to file some papers.
"Thank you, I won't do it again." Danny quickly ran from the room to meet with his friends for lunch.

Sitting in the lunchroom with Sam and Tucker was rather peaceful, but that peace was short lived.

"Hey Fenturd!" The school jock/bully shouted before slamming his fists right into Danny's food, splattering it onto Danny as well as his friends.

"What do you want Ash?" Sam groaned, wiping the disgusting school food from her black t-shirt. Completely ignoring the goth girl, Ash turned his full attention to Danny.

"You didn't do my homework last night did you?" Danny slowly shook his head, "Well then.... I'm going to kill you!" Danny got up to run just in time as Ash's fist just barely missed his face.

"Never!!" Danny screamed down the hall, attempting to be funny in this moment of terror. Ash chased him all the way into the boy's locker room. Danny quickly ducked underneath a bench and changed into his ghost form. He then turned intangible and sunk through the floor. He waited there until the final school bell rang, too tired to even care that he missed his afternoon classes.

Staying in his ghost form, he now was calling Phantom, he avoided everyone. He retrieved his backpack from his locker and flew straight home. Of course he changed back into his normal self a block or two away to avoid suspicion. He walked quickly. Stopping for nothing, Danny walked as quickly as he could to his room, where he threw his backpack across the room and sank to the floor.

"I can't deal with this." Danny thought aloud, "Why am I still doing this?" His parents couldn't have chosen a better time to burst into his room.

"Danny! Look at your grades!" Maddie was holding up his quarterly report card.

"Danny boy, we need to talk about this." Jack said with a concerned look on his face, "Your grades are really low this year.... Let me guess, you have a crush on a girl?"

"What-?" Danny started but his Dad was already off in his own world explaining how to get the girl, and other normal things like how to confirm that she's not a ghost. Meanwhile Danny spaced out.

"Will they ever accept me for who.... what I am? Maybe I should tell them...." Danny thought.

"Hey dad-"

"Good talk Danny my boy, get some rest so you have energy for school tomorrow. Bye!" Just like that, they were gone.

"I guess they'll never listen anyway.... Maybe it's better this way?" Danny wondered aloud, already changing back into Phantom as a blue mist came out of his mouth, signaling that a ghost was nearby. With one last regretful work down at his unfinished homework, he flew off into the night, unaware by others that he was ultimately saving the world.

Yeah this chapter kinda turned out..... bad.... I really didn't have a plot for this chapter so.... yeah.... sorry for that!!! I hope you enjoyed it either way!!! I'm just really tired because of this past week at school and my stupid english teacher assigning three projects that are all due at the same time.... it was just a stressful week ;;;;;; But I promise the next chapter will be full of interesting things!!! So see you in the next chapter!!! Bye!!!


The Tragedy that Caused the Storm - A Danny Phantom FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now