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I couldn't believe it, I got both jobs!

Earlier today I had woken up with no job and was probably close to becoming a stripper if it meant I could get money to live off of. But now here I am in my house at almost ten o'clock at night with two jobs that I'll be starting later on this week.

The restaurant interview had gone by pretty quick. As soon as I started talking to the man who was interviewing me for the restaurant, he started talking about getting me trained to work the cash register and started working on adding me in to the working schedule.

Then at the night club a few hours later it was practically the same thing.

It made me think that it was because of the rumors around the nightclub that I got the job on the spot.

Regardless of the reasons I now had two jobs that would give me enough money to pay the bills and buy food. I was set.

Lisa and the girls tagged along for both interviews and I'm pretty sure them being there also swayed the acceptance of me getting both jobs. They seemed to know just about everyone who was there. When they had found out that I was friends with the girls was when they had seemed to accept me almost immediately.

We were all back at my place just talking.

"Hey, you guys know what we have to do now right?" Jennie said as she threw her hair up into a messy bun.

"No?" I said confused.

"We have to celebrate! Duh! I say we go drinking!" Jennie said with excitement while the other girls agreed unanimously.

"I don't know guys, it might be weird going to party at the same nightclub I'm supposed to be working at starting next week." I told them.

"We won't go there! We can go to a different one! There's this new club that opened about a month ago, it's called Z. We can go there!"

"Z." I repeated before nodding my head. "Okay, let's go Friday night." The girls all started to get excited about being able to go out.

The girls excitement died down when Lisa's phone started to ring.

"It's Oppa." She said quietly before answering the phone, surprising me in the process.

"I didn't know she had a boyfriend." I whispered to the other girls.

"It's not her boyfriend, it's her brother. Well, more like our brother. We've known him for years and has always been there for us. We haven't seen him in a few days because we've been here with you, he probably got worried about us." Rose explained.

Guilt immediately set in to my heart.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you guys from seeing him." I apologized to which they quickly shook their heads, even Lisa who overheard shook her head.

"We wanted to." Lisa whispered as she moved to sit next to me and rest her head on my shoulders.

"She's right, we wanted to spend time here with you. We'll just explain to Oppa why we couldn't see him these past few days and it'll all be okay." Jisoo said, making me feel a bit better.

Lisa finished her conversation with their brother and stood up.

"He wants us home for the night, he said there's some work we have to do." Lisa said, sounding pretty serious.

"What kind of work, aren't you guys are still in college?" I asked confused.

"We are but we still come by for time to time to learn a few things so that way we know more about what we'll be doing when we do get our degrees and start working there. It's to help prepare us." Jennie said as they all stood up to leave.

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