Chapter 1: Bloody Bus

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Shayd's POV
I sighed, sitting at the end of my bed, watching the wall clock as time ticked away. I swung my legs, dangling from the bed. I felt the steady breeze of the wind from my open window on my back, brushing my hair slightly.

"Honey, lunch is ready!" My Aunt called from the kitchen. I got up and pulled on my hoodie, brushing my messy mop brown hair off my shoulders. I walked out into the kitchen as my Aunt handed me a bowl of what looked like mini mince pies with tomato sauce.

"Thanks, Aunty Connie," I said placing myself on the couch in front of the TV. It was Sunday, tomorrow I would be heading off to boarding school. My Aunt came and sat next to me. She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and smiled.

"You remind me so much of your cousin." She brushed a piece of loose hair from my face. I stopped eating and turned to look at her. I felt my gut tighten. 

"Really?" I asked slowly. She nodded, her eyes were full of sadness. I was surprised for her to have taken me in, after all, her son was taken from her, just before my parents died. Any of my other family members could have taken me in, but she stood in, taking me under her wing. If I could remember what my parents where like, I would imagine them like her. She was so happy all of the time, like that weird hippy aunt you could always get along with. 

"It is kind of scary with the resemblance between you two." Aunty Connie stated, avoiding my eye contact. I must have looked pretty goofy as she started laughing. 

"What?" I asked. She stopped laughing and just smiled. 

"Oh, nothing sweetie," Connie answered. I hugged her and got up, putting my bowl in the sink, I'll wash it later. 

~Time Skip~ 

That night I sat in my bed, again watching the clock. I set my head on my pillow, watching the shadows dance on my ceiling. Ever since Toby ran away, I had left my window open. I always imagined that one day he would come back to his house, his bedroom. Another part of me considered what would happen, after all, I could only imagine the horrors Aunt Connie went through that night. Her only son, taken from her arms. It was a great shock to all of us, especially to young me. Surprisingly, I wasn't traumatized by the whole incident. Even now, after years, I still felt tears welling in my eyes at the thought. He was so kind to me, so why, why did he turn into a monster? 

I soon felt myself drift away into a dreamless sleep. 

~The Next Morning~

Beep, Beep, Beep.

I pressed the sleep button of the alarm clock. If my alarm was going off then, I SLEPT IN! I had only half an hour before I had to get to the bus stop! I scrambled out of bed and, throwing on my clothes as I hurried out of the door. Waiting on the bench was a small pile of waffles, with a note.

'Hey Sweetie, I was called into work so I won't be able to see you off.

All the best wishes and love

Love, Auntie Connie'

I took the letter and shoved it into my hoodie pocket quickly. I stuffed my face with the waffles and grabbed my backpack, stuffed it with any last-minute items- like my phone- and grabbed my suitcase. I roughly brushed my hair and smiled, watching the pair of brown eyes stare back, the round features, tanned skin and freckles that made my complexion. Before I could even think of the items I had forgotten, I was outside and legging it towards the bus stop, my suitcase bounding behind me. What would be a 15-minute walk turned into a 5-minute sprint. 


Parked towards the front of a large line was a gigantic yellow bus, just like the school buses you see in all the American movies. The breaks hissed over the  From below the crowd, I spotted my bestie, Aspen. She had long, straight blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail and a calming blue-green gaze. She smiled and waved, beckoning me over. She wore a dark blue hoodie with leather accents and a pair of black jeans. Aspen Ouelette, my best friend. She had also suffered something similar, her cousin disappearing months ago on a supposed killing spree. Chance has it, we just so happened to become close friends. She smiled awkwardly, no doubt she knew what I was thinking, gripping the handle of her backpack. 

"You ready?" She asked quietly. Her voice was strong and still held such grace about it. I nodded, my hoodie flopping every-which-way. She ruffled my choppy brown hair and smiled again. For one last time, I examined the crowd. There were around 50 kids, with a handful of crying, waving adults all headed to boarding school. 

~On the Bus~

I felt almost every little bump in the road, I was weird that way, yet I was born with somewhat the same condition as my lost cousin, I couldn't feel much pain. It was kinda annoying, but I guess it was funny. 

I turned to my left, watching Aspen's phone screen flicker with colour. She had a pair of headphones in, so I supposed she was watching music videos. She turned to me, pulling her headphones out. 

We talked for a while, but before I knew it, I was long asleep. The gentle rocking of the bus lulling me to sleep. 


I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, the bus had stopped. Was it a toilet break? The lights were all off except for the exit signs and some flashing light towards the front of the bus. I was seated on the window side, so I couldn't see anything past the aisle. I shook Aspen gently, waking her. It was unusual that the bus had stopped so suddenly, surely we weren't at the campsite yet. Aspen rubbed her eyes, focusing on anything but the darkness outside. 

"What?" She mumbled, looking at me. 

"The bus stopped and I want to investigate," I mumbled quietly, trying not to wake anyone else up. She nodded slowly, still half asleep. I felt strange, a sickening feeling in my gut that told me not to go look, but I didn't listen. Who trusts their gut, honestly? 

Aspen and I both got up out of our seats and silently walked down the aisle to the driver's seat. The bus was positioned in the middle of the road, which was strange considering, you know, laws. A strange smell stung my nose, it smelt of a mixture of blood and something else, the smell of death. A trail of sleeping, or so I thought, bodies not moving an inch led towards the driver's seat of about five people. I glanced quickly at the driver. 

The glass was shattered all around his broken and bloody body. The front window had been smashed wide open, letting in a freezing breeze that I suspected was just the air conditioner. He had cuts all over his face, knife wounds no doubt. Aspen looked surprised, now fully awake. I gripped the chair to keep myself from falling over. I felt the blood drain from my face, falling to my feet. 

"Look," Aspen whispered. Written on the glass was something in large letters but it was too dark to make them out. I pulled out my phone and flicked the flashlight on. Written on the glass window was the words 'Go to sleep' in some sort of crimson liquid, no doubt it was blood. I scanned the five closest 'sleeping' students. They weren't asleep, they were dead, killed in the same way, stab wounds to the face and chest. The blood wasn't glittering but slightly dried. That itself told me that whoever had done this was long gone now. I gagged, forcing down the urge to vomit.

"W-what?" I whispered on the brink of yelling. How did they get killed without us hearing a thing? I heard a faint moan and a sigh of relief passed my lips. They weren't all dead. 

For some reason, the killer hadn't touched the back of the bus, but something told me there was no logical reason to that. After all, it was far too hard to think straight with the constant drumming in the back of my head. 

How come I survived? 

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