Chapter Nine

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Slowly everything grew normal. I'd (mostly) seen the end of my daily torture, and with that, I began to climb up the ranks. By the time a year had passed, I had progressed to Sergeant, leaving the rest behind me, eating my dust.

I'd yet to see a reappearance of Elanja, it always worried me and made me constantly wonder. Was it even her? I'd been pretty unstable, mentally and physically. Did someone even save me? Did I imagine that too? Wouldn't surprise me, but I knew that was wrong. It was Elanja. My Elanja.

I dreamt of her every night, be it a nightmare or a mind-blowing dream. There was one that always reoccured. I could never remember what it was, but it always finished the same way. A kiss. One of those kisses that you only see in movies or read in books. One of those kisses where you never want to separate. One of those kisses where you knew every single thing was right absolutely nothing in the world could turn the moment sour.

But that was only a dream. Nothing more, nothing less. I had begun to accept the fact that I was never going to see her again. Except in these vivid dreams...

Oh, who was I kidding? Maybe just myself. Everyone knew I searched endlessly every night, sarge by my side, just so he could be assured that I wasn't mauled by a polar bear or something. I was losing sleep and was thoroughly exhausted by the time I gave up searching. But I had not a chance to rest, for I had training. And after training? I searched. It was a cruel loop

By this point, I was practically to the point of insanity again. I began to lose weight and muscle, and was practically wasting away. I had no chances to eat, so it made sense. .To quote Professor Ridgeway loosely, 'Relapsing would suck ass.' And it did. 

One night, I was given an anonymous tip of where to search. Supposedly, she'd been sighted in this temple of sorts, where statues of Gods resided. It was still in the Tohopka, but I never went there. There was that statue of..him.

"You know, Nico.." I heard Sarge start as we were walking away from the temple, where we had little success. "You need to take a break." I simply rolled my eyes.

"Breaks..are for..selfish pricks.." I murmured, pausing every few moments to catch my breath. 

"Coming from you.." I heard Sarge snort. "You're skin and bones!" I tried to ignore him, but he grabbed my wrist and started to drag me along. "We're getting liquor." He declared, leading me out of the tribe and into town.

"You're going to get us lost." I warned half-heartedly. We'd been walking for twenty minutes, and I'd seen this alley at least three times. "Let's just go this way." I pulled away, and turned to famed alleyway.

Turns out, it was a dead end and I was wrong. Eh. I plopped onto a wooden crate and began to polish my sword. Sarge was pacing like the worrywart he was.

"If you're that nervous, go the fuck home!" I growled, standing again and pointing the sword at no one in particular. Sarge would've replied, but we were both distracted by a sudden shadow that flashed against the light from the lamp above us. "Who's there?!"

I wasn't really expecting an answer, it never works that way. but from being me, I heard a familiar voice. A sexy..smooth like velvet, sultry and mysterious voice.

"Looking for something, boys?" A teasing tone snuck in. "Isn't it a little late?" Sarge's eyes widened, and he drew his sword, ready to strike. We both flipped around when the figure walked into view.

A woman with a slim, yet curvy figure..Long legs, large bust, curvaceous, but with a small waist and toned stomach..clad in a leather suit over her olive skin..Fiery amber eyes rimmed with black eyeliner..Blood red lips..By Gods..It was her..It was...

"I'm Elanja." She mused, placing her hands on her hips. Now, every man would probably pounce at a chance to even talk to her. But I'm not every man, as we've learned many times before. So, illogically..I passed out onto the ground, still conscious however. I could see and hear the banter between the other two.

Elanja strutted forward and began circling us. "You look...rather suspicious."

"How do you know you're not lying about who you are?!" A trademark Sarge outburst. "There's no way..she would..."

Elanja cut him off with what sounded like a whip. "Things change, People change. Life's a bitch, now so am I."

"What happened to you?" Sarge had an unusual gentle tone in his voice.

"My boyfriend killed me for 'cheating'. Not that he didn't abuse me enough." She snarled slightly as Sarge made a confused noise. "Then I killed him." She examined a manicured nail. "Dying has been the greatest thing to happen to me."

I managed to sit up with a little amount of energy as she continued to speak.

"You know, if you're going to act this boring, I'll leave. I stay when I feel like it, not when I'm told." She drew her fingers through her hair as Sarge finally spoke up.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Her eyes flickered open, glowing forcefully.

"What the hell.." She started, adding venom to the words. "Made you ask such personal questions?" Sarge smirked, I could see that he found amusement in her irritation. 

"You're a bad kitty, aren't you?" I supposed he got that from the catsuit and manicured claws.

"Only as bad as I want to be." She glanced up from fiddling with her nails again. I found my chance and spoke up.

"This makes no sense! I've spent all this time hunting you down to thank you for saving me and the make sure you're okay and you're a CAT?!" I paused, attempting to stand. "I've wasted all this damn time on a fucking cat?! I DON'T EVEN LIKE CATS!" At this time, I didn't know how that would change.

She licked her lips and walked closer to me, standing right in front. She placed a hand on her hip and let the other hand, tapping her fingers on her thigh.

"You're a whiny little bitch, aren't you?" She chuckled darkly.

"Me the bitch?!" I laughed loudly. "I did this all for you! I was worried something happened!"

"How sweet. But it didn't do much, did it? He still killed me."

"Maybe if you would have stood up for yourself an-" She cut me off. 

"Maybe I'll show you what I wanted to do." She snarled and grabbed my collar, pulling me up/ She kicked me right between the legs, causing me to yell out loudly. She dropped me and jumped into the air, landing onto my stomach with some sort of martial arts kick, and then moved her foot and stepped onto my throat, making me gasp for air. I heard Sarge call out as I lost control and went unconscious. 

Some first impression I made...

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