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P.O.V of Dick.

I woke up in a cold sweat. My name is Richard John Grayson. My girlfriend is Barbra Gordon and I am the ward of Bruce Wayne. I work as a vigilante with the team as Nightwing. I told myself that many times yesterday because Jason's voice just wouldn't get out of my head. The team thought we were back to normal so that didn't think we were each other anymore. So who did? Then it hit me. Barbra isn't my girlfriend because she broke up with me on Wednesday because I-Jason needed to let off some bloodlust.
I climbed out of bed and changed into some casual clothes before making my way down to my room where Jason was staying. I knocked on the door and didn't wait for a reply as I entered. He was just coming out of the shower, the towel slung across his hips.
"Privacy dude." He said as he saw me.
"I've seen you-me naked many times." I smirked, "Don't worry about it."
"True, true." He replied, "So what are you doing here?"
"I know why we still have a few of each others' habits and why I still think I'm you." I said, "It's Barbra."
"Your girlfriend?" He scoffed.
"Yeah, from Wednesday." I sighed, "She wants to know why you killed. It was so unlike you or me, or whoever I'm meant to be, and so she's probably put it all together."
"And what do you plan on doing about it?" He asked.
"Setting up a date, so you can explain everything." I replied.
"And she's going to come?"
"She will think she's coming for a day with Artemis, then you'll be there and explain." I said.
"Fine, you arrange it for this afternoon." He said, "Now get out, I need to change."
I left the room and went to find Artemis, who was on the sofa thankfully.
"Artemis, hi" I said as I came over and she looked over to me.
"What do you want Jason?" She asked.
"How do you feel on calling up Barbra?" I asked, "Tell her to come over for the afternoon like you're going to hang out but then Dick can apologize to her about the situation on Wednesday."
"Fine, but only for Dick." She said picking up her phone, "Not for you."
"Yeah, that's fine." I replied, "Thanks Arty."
She rolled her eyes and placed the phone to her ear to call Barbra. This would hopefully go well, or I was going to be stuck like this for forever. But what's so bad about that? Isn't this who I am? No, I am Richard Grayson. Not Jason, I am Dick.
I think.

Jason's P.O.V.

I was dressed casually as I sat waiting on the sofa in the afternoon. Artemis had called up Barbra and Dick had agreed that as soon as it announced her arrival he would shut down the cave so that she couldn't storm off. If he still remembered that he was Dick and how to do it that was.
Batgirl B16. Mountain offline.
"Arty?" She called out as she entered the room.
"She's not here Barbra." I said as I turned to face her.
"What are you doing here?" She growled.
"She invited you over to talk to me." I said, "I need to explain what you saw."
"There's no explaining to do." She bit back, "You killed innocents when you shouldn't have."
"I SAID GO AWAY!" I heard Dick scream.
Barbra and I exchanged a look and were both running down to my room.
We opened the door where Dick was standing in the bed, seeming to talk to himself.
"It's what you do. No, I don't kill. C'mon, can't you feel the pull of the gun? FUCK OFF!" He threw a pillow at nothing then looked over to us, "Dick." He breathed, "Or are you? Am I? Is this even real?"
"Calm down first, okay?" I said as I walked over, "I know you're confused at the moment, but we've been through this enough times now. We're working on it now. Stay in here, stay out of trouble. You should be back to normal soon, okay."
He nodded, "Just hurry up. My head feel like its fucking going to explode. You shouldn't swear. Fuck off. Oh, grow up." I left and closed the door where Barbra was waiting with raised eyebrows.
"This is kind of why I need to talk to you." I admitted, "Would you?"
"Fine, I'll hear you out." She said and we went back to the lounge where we sat on the sofa.
"On Monday Jason and I went out on a mission against Klarion." I explained, "Whilst there he switched us, so until the end of Wednesday we were each other. The reason you saw me killing was because Jason needed to work off the bloodlust from the pit, and we thought you had all already left for the mission."
"So, on the date." She asked, "I wasn't with you, I was with Jason?"
"That is correct." I said, "And I apologize for what may have happened there. I'm willing to try again on Monday."
She smiled at me, "Only if you can promise you're yourself this time."
"That I can do." I said and I felt all of my likeness to Dick disappear as a huge headache came on, "Shit." I breathed under my breath then looked to Barbra, but she hadn't heard.
"So, do you mind if I spend the afternoon with you today?" She asked.
"Actually, I have a mission with Wally in about 15 minutes." I lied, "Sorry."
"Of course," She sighed, "Well then, I guess I'll wait around until someone puts the cave back online." She said and walked off, a smirk playing on his lips.
I watched as she left then went over to my room where Dick was hopefully back to normal. I entered without knocking to see him sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Dick, you okay?" I asked as I closed the door and sat next to him.
"I tried to kill Klarion." He whispered.
"But you didn't." I countered, "That's got to count for something, right?"
"No, it doesn't." Dick replied, "I had a gun in my hand and willingly pulled the trigger."
"But it wasn't really you, like that time with the Talons." I tried.
"Doesn't mean I don't remember it." He said, "But, like everything else, I'll learn to live with."
"That's the strong Dickie-Bird we all know and love." I said, ruffling his hair, "Now, would you mind putting the cave back online?"
"Sure." He said, clicked a button and the cave announced it was back online, "Now I can imagine you have your withdrawal symptoms back. The best tablets are hidden in the false board in the centre island of the kitchen."
I thanked him and took the tablets as the mountain announced the departure of Barbra and the arrival of the team.
"Hey Dick." Wally greeted as he came into the kitchen, "Who was getting back with Barbra?"
"We have a date on Monday." I replied, "So that should sort the last few creases out."
"Good going." He winked at me then walked off to the lounge where the rest of the team were.
I joined them in there, where Dick was sitting on the arm of the chair next to Kaldur and was in good conversation. I sat on the floor and listened to them all talking around me, which wasn't helping with the headache but if anyone asked I could say it was the effects finally kicking in from Klarion's spell.
One day to go. We had this in the bag.

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