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Dear depressed diary,
I'm really really embarrassed. So. It was a normal day (although nothing's normal because everyday for me is hell) and I was casually sitting on my bus, driving back to my village. The bus driver pulled over at my stop, and everything was going well and I was screeching my farewells. I pulled open the door, hopped out and then I started to turn senile. Idek what happened, but while I was closing the door my foot had a spasm and I slipped backwards and landed on my ass. AND I WAS LITERALLY JUST SITTING THEIR ON THE GROUND WITH LOADS OF YEAR 10'S AND 9'S STARING AT ME. AND THERE WAS THIS GIRL (Who I think hates me and thinks I'm a weird penis) SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO WHERE I SLIPPED UP AND BC THE WINDOWS WERE BLACKED OUT, I COULDN'T SEE IN BUT SHE COULD SEE ME ;-; my wording and description of this diary is crap because I'm very tired and uncomfortable.

The end.
And now I'm really scared to get back on the bus on Tuesday bc everyone will remember that embarrassing moment.


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