Party Time!

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The Sith academy had been strangely free of chaos for the last three weeks. This was mainly because Tali Quinn, Emperor's Wrath and local trouble causer in chief, had cheerfully announced that she was going on holiday, by which she meant the population of Corellia had finally found the 'send all complaints to Tali Quinn, Sith Academy, Korriban' label that Jaesa had stitched into all of Vette's clothes. So now Tali knew where Vette had retreated to for the time being, and some annoyed Corellians had sent her some mail messages she considered highly impolite. It was unknown whether she was taking a long time because she was killing locals, having trouble collecting Vette or actually going on holiday.

Without Tali, there had been just two incidents: Jaesa had concealed herself behind a statue of the Emperor in one of the classrooms and had only popped her head out when Harkun's back was turned to pull faces, resulting in much amusement and later, the two young Sith had persuaded one of the guards that there was a giant angry Wookie loose in the Academy thus getting all classes cancelled for ages.

However, they were now incredibly bored without Tali's new prank ideas and ways of Force-Choking them out of any potential trouble. It was such a serious predicament that Avrria was actually attending her lessons. They had agreed to meet up at lunch time in what Jaesa had decided were her quarters until Tali came back, where they were going to discuss plans and potential solutions.

Despite the lack of entertainment, Avrria Revel was seemingly in a very good mood when she eventually arrived at their agreed meeting place and a much more surly Jaesa glowered at her, "What's up with your face? You're not supposed to have fun unless its according to plan!" The Sith Apprentice protested.

"But I've come up with the perfect idea!" Avie began to explain, "We're going to have a party...Great opportunity for something to go wrong, right?"

Jaesa's eyes lit up with glee, "Go on..." She encouraged.

"Well, apparently our first actual trial is tomorrow, then the day after, we're having a party. Probably because someone's going to die..." The acolyte noted pleasantly, "And since Harkun's organising it, it will be a terrible party. So it's up to us to make it fun!" She added with a grin.

"Good job I'm here then!" A familiar voice noted smugly from the doorway behind them. Tali stepped past Avie, picked up Jaesa's untouched sandwich off the table and bit into it with a grin. "Now what's all this about?"

"I know I said I didn't want to get involved with your plans, but I do love a good party!" Vette chimed in as she followed Tali into the room. Malavai also emerged from behind them and came inside, but merely sighed at their enthusiastic troublemaking.

Jaesa and Avrria, on the other hand, looked delighted at their return. "Auntie Tal!" Avie yelled, running over and hugging Tali happily. Jaesa gave all the returnees a cheery wave, not even bothered about Tali's food stealing antics. Now the planning could really start...

Malavai retreated to a different room as a committee of cackling Sith, accompanied by Vette, formed around the table. Tali took another bite out of the sandwich and declared that she was going take over the organisation of the party because 'she could and she was better at it.' She didn't bother saying when she intended to tell Harkun this, too engrossed in her plans. By the end of the day, the Sith Lady had already proposed a disco ball, several dubious and possibly criminal 'friends' as 'honorary guests', and had roped Vette and Jaesa into offering all attendees dancing and singing lessons. Avrria was just sitting in the corner wondering if she should regret her decision yet or not.

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