The Many Uses Of Sith Artefacts

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Tali Quinn was growing in confidence now that she had witnessed first hand Avrria's newly prospering chaos-causing abilities, and with her growing confidence in Avie, came a growing number of mischievous schemes.

Currently, the Sith was sitting at her table with her apprentice Jaesa. It was late on Korriban, and the young Sith relative in question had headed to bed, and now the two elder Sith were, thanks to Tali's evil mind, conjuring up ideas for what they were referring to as an 'Evil Sith Kaggath of Pranks' against...Well, everyone in the Academy who they currently disliked, but primarily against Avrria's instructor, Overseer Harkun.

So far, the 'plans' included throwing rotten fruit at him and stealing his Lightsaber and replacing it was a stick, but just Jaesa opened her mouth to make another suggestion, Tali's Holoprojector lit up with a loud chiming sound.

The Sith Lady sighed and answered. The Holographic image of Darth Nox greeted her with a grin. "Tal, I kind of need a favour..." She began 'innocently'.

Tali raised a single red eyebrow curiously. "Oh? Now what, Kit?" She enquired.

Kitty Zalia-Revel-Kallig-Nox shrugged. "It's really not that much of a big deal, but it saves me the hassle of coming to Korriban myself."

The last thing anybody on the planet wanted was Kitty dropping in, but Tali wasn't committing until she was sure what Kitty's idea of a 'favour' was, so she just waited for the other Sith to elaborate. "It's only one little Holocron..." Kitty began, attempting to look innocent.

She's definitely up to something, Tali thought to herself. "Which Holocron?" She asked, curious to see if she could figure out her Sith friend's plans before the trouble began.

"Well, any you find on the way are also greatly appreciated!" Kitty grinned cheerfully, "But the one I'm looking for is this!" She pressed a button somewhere and another Holoimage appeared beside her, showing a glowing pyramid. "It's in the tomb of Ajunta Pall...somewhere. Some silly old Sith lost it in there." Kitty explained.

Ooh...An idea occurred to Tali. That, Tali decided with a grin, would be a perfect excuse to take Avie off grave-robbing again, which, last time, had led to some fun chaos. "No problem!" She beamed at her fellow Sith, instantly brushing off concern over Kitty's 'plan'.

The Holographic Sith grinned back. "Great! Well...I'll leave you to it and go then! Bye!" As abruptly as she had interrupted them, Kitty vanished. The troublesome but somewhat confused Emperor's Wrath turned back to her apprentice.

"Well, now Lady Weirdo has gone," She laughed to herself as she joked about her friend, "Any ideas? After all...Finding some silly Holocron can't take that long."

Jaesa smirked. "As a matter of fact, I do have an idea, and it's brilliant." She declared in a decidedly smug tone.

Tali joined in with the smirking. "Oh? Do tell!" She said, delighted at the concept of more mischief.

"So, you know in the graves there are a surprisingly high number of worthless but potentially projectile urns and such?" Jaesa pointed out, giggling a little at her own idea.

Tali didn't get to be Emperor's Wrath by being slow on the uptake and was already cackling as she began plotting out how her apprentice's idea could be easily put into operation the next morning.

"Wakey, wakey, time for trouble-makey!" Avrria heard someone chanting as she blinked open her olive-green eyes. Jaesa was leaning over her bed with a big grin on her face. She rubbed her eyes and considered smacking the other Sith with a pillow as Jaesa tried to pull her out of bed. "C'mon, Master Tal and I have some great, fun, Sithy plans for today!" The Sith Apprentice insisted in a sing-song tone as she yanked Avie's arm.

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