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Remi's POV

It's been five months since the game and everything turned back to normal. My family kind of normal. "Remi can you hand me the milk?" Mama asked me and I stood up and headed to the fridge to get it for her. She became too ordery... if that's even a word.

My family and the boys and Aurora were sitting with us, eating breakfast. Don't ask what's the occasion... I don't know. As I wanted to hand mama the cup of milk, she raised her hand and stopped me midway. "On second thought, I don't need it." She cleared in a calm tone. Too calm if I must say. I arched my eyebrows. "Why?" I asked. She looked at dad and smiled. "Because the baby is coming." She announced and all the ones who were sitting, stood up, startled.

Dad jumped from his place and ran to the front door. He came back with mama's shoes. "Hurry, we have to go. Let's go, Ariel. Kids, the baby is coming, I repeat the baby is coming." Dad spoke in a restless tone that made mama sighed with annoyance. Mama slapped his cheek real hard that we heard the slap and made him look at her. "Jaxon, he or she is the sixth child in this family and you still act like it's the first. Man up a little and help me stand." She yelled at him then she winced. "We better hurry!" She added.

" We need a doctor." My brothers opened the hospital's main door and shouted. I crossed my arms. "Lower your voices, it's a hospital for God's sake!" I scolded and they looked at mama, ashamed. After the doctor appeared, he took mama to a room, Dad entered with her and we waited outside.

"What do you think the gender will be?" Aurora asked and I thought. "I hope it's a girl," I replied and Aurora nodded. "I hope so too." She said. "No, it's gonna be a boy." Sammy disagreed and my brothers nodded. "What do you think Ian?" I asked him and he looked at me then shrugged. "I don't know," he replied and he was right. "Well, I hope it's a boy so we can create an army!" Luca said and the boys laughed.

After the small conversation, we went silent until we heard a baby's crying. It was so sweet and angelic. It's time. I opened the door and looked at mama and dad, who were hugging the newborn baby and looking at him or her with so much adoration and love. "So?" I asked, excited if I must say.

Mama smiled at me widely, her eyes were twinkling with happiness. She gazed at my brother. "Boys, you got another girl to protect in the family." She countered and I jumped in my place. "Yes, yes, yes!" I ran to her and saw the angel chewing on her little thumb. "She is adorable." I cooed then held her in my arms. She was so tiny.

"What should we call her?" Derek asked. My brothers were standing right behind me, looking at the beautiful newborn girl. Female. It feels so good to have a sister.

Dad smiled. "I got the chance to choose this time, so I picked to call her Dove," he announced and we all smiled. It was a beautiful name. "I love it." I nodded while looking at her. "Welcome to the family, Dove," I greeted with tears in my eyes.

"What's her middle name?" Ian asked while looking at me with affection. "Anne," Mama answered. "She's Dove Anne McKnight." She fully said and it sounded complete. "I'm so excited to raise her with you guys, being the younger kid sucks," I commented and they chuckled. Aurora nudged my shoulder. "Tell me about it. I have none." She said and we all laughed our hearts out. The 6th McKnight is here everyone, be prepared. I can't wait to have one of my own. Wait... I have to wait...I'm still 17 and Ian is 18. Oh no. Well... That was awkward. Forget what I just said and move on. 

Turn the page and eat Oreos. 

Stop it Remi.


This is it....

I hope you liked it and please vote and comment and share:) It's officially over.

Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting on this book. I had fun while writing it.

You are the best ♡

You are the best ♡

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