He's mine.

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Everyone got ready with all their bags and suitcases and carried them one by one to the limo.

"Ah! Why wouldn't this thing even close..." Yui says, whilst struggling trying her best to close the suitcase. She even tried sitting on it to zip it, but it didn't work. There was a bright red love heart on the middle of the suitcase and black stripes around the heart.

"Hm? Do you need help, bitch-chan?" Called Laito, who started walking towards her.

"I'll do it." A voice called out.

"...Subaru?" Yui said, looking down at him, while he sits onto the suitcase, pressing all her luggage down with all this might and zipped it up.


"Ah~ thank youuuu!" Beamed Yui and gave Subaru a bright smile.

"Don't smile at me." He says, giving Yui a death glare.

"I-i u-um... I'll put these in the limo, bye!" Yui says, stuttering as she tries to talk to Subaru.

However, inside of the Limo, the guy with red hair stared at Yui with hate. "He's mine. He's mine... HE'S MINEE!!" He shouted, as the glass of wine shatters into pieces.

"Calm down. This is the limo. It's disturbing us" said Reiji, closing his book and pushes his glasses upwards.

"I don't need your advice." He said, shooting Reiji a dirty look.

"It wasn't an advice, it was a command. Follow these rules or else, get out." Reiji says coldly.


He watches Yui climb into the Limo, followed by Subaru.

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