4~ You Make The Pain Go Away.

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Today and I went to the junkyard and got threes motorcycles and now we're driving to Jacob's house

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Today and I went to the junkyard and got threes motorcycles and now we're driving to Jacob's house. "Do you really think he can fix up these bikes?" I ask. "Yes and don't doubt Jacob he can fix anything, he even fixed up my truck," she says. "Okay but I won't be surprised if he'll think us riding motorcycles is stupid or crazy," I say. "Oh, he'll totally think that," Bella says and we both laugh.

Bella pulls into a driveway with a red house and a separated garage. We both get out of her truck and walk towards the back. "Bella! Where have you been loca?!" Jacob runs out and says in excitement. "Anastasia! Oh my gosh, it's so nice to see you!" He says and hugs me.

"Um we brought you something it's a little crazy" Bella says as she pulls back the tarp. "Wow, scarp metal" Jacob laughs. "Yeah um, we saved them from the junkyard and I figured that if I had a mechanic type friend," Bella says. "Me as being the mechanic type friend," Jacob says.

"You probably think is totally stupid and reckless," I say. "Yeah it's completely stupid and reckless, so when do we start?!" Jacob says. "Um right now would be perfect," Bella says. "Hey Jacob those are like really.....heavy" I start to say but he picks one up like no problem. "Jake, you're like buff you're like sixteen how did that happen?" Bella jokes. "Age is just a number baby. What are you like 40 now?" Jacob says.

We start to walk towards his garage and I hear Bella sigh "it feels that way sometimes". The three of us are all sitting in his garage watching Jacob work on the bikes and he's got music playing but Bella turns it off.

"That a good song. You don't like it?" Jacob asks. "I'm really not into music anymore," Bella says. "Okay, no more music" Jacob sighs. "So Ana and I were thinking that if the three of us are gonna do this every day and hopefully we do, we've gotta fit some homework in I don't want Billy thinking that we're bad influences on you," Bella says. "Oh really Bella the two of you influence me please" Jacob scoffs.

"We're older than you so that'll make us the influencer and you the influence," I say. "No no no my size and knowledge base would make me older than the two of you, because of your general paleness and lack of know-how," Jacob says. "Um we convinced you to fix three two-wheeled death machines doesn't that make you kind of young and naive?" Bella asks. "Okay, so where do we stand?" Jacob asks. "We're 35 and you're like 32," Bella says. "Really?" Jacob laughs.

"Yo Jacob you in here?" We hear a yell from outside of the garage and Bella tries to hide and tries to make me hide with her. "No girls it's okay it's just my boys, Ana and Bella this Quil, and do y'all remember Embry from the beach last year?" Jacob asks. "Yeah, we remember you hey," I say.

"I'm Quil Ateara," Quil says in a flirty way. "So the bike story is true," Quil says. "Oh yeah, we taught him everything he knows," Bella says. "Oh yeah, what about the part where you're his girlfriend" Quil jokes. "Um we're just friends," Bella says. "Ooh burn!" Embry says. "Actually I said she's a girl and a friend," Jacob says. "Embry do you remember him making that distinction," Quil asks. "Nope," Embry says. "So you guys have girlfriends, that's awesome," Bella says sarcastically.

"Yeah right, Quil's actually taking his cousin to prom," Jacob says. "Oh yeah, that's still a riot. Do you want funny black? I'll give you funny" Quil says and he and Jacob start play fighting. "I got five on Quil," Embry says to Bella and me. "You're on" Bella and I say.

Weeks have gone by and Jacob, Bella, Embry, and I have been spending a lot of time together and it's been quite nice. Until Embry stopped coming for some reason Jacob says that he's sick.

If you ask me I think Jacob has a crush on Bella just by the way he looks at her it's almost like how Edward and Jasper looked at Bella and me. I like Jacob he's really nice and funny. Jacob and Bella kind of makes the pain go away but yet Bella and I still get the dreams you know the bad ones.

We're all walking out of Jacob's garage laughing and having fun as normal. "Hey I think Quil has a crush on the two of you he keeps asking about y'all," Jacob says. "Well Ana and I aren't really into the whole cougar thing," Bella says. "What's up with the two of you and age. I mean how old were the two Cullen guys anyway" Jacob asks. "Edward is 17 and Jasper is 19, "I say. "Well let's get going on riding these bikes huh?" Jacob says and we all get in Bella's truck.

We're riding through La Push to this road that Jacob says people barely even drive on so that should be perfect for motorcycle practice. "If I told y'all the two of you that I couldn't fix these bikes what would you have said?" Jacob asks. "Wait are you doubting your mad skills?" Bella asks. "No no I mean they're gonna run fine, I'm just saying that if I was smart I should've dragged out the rebuild a bit," Jacob says.

"If you couldn't fix these bikes I would've said we're just gonna have to find something else to do," I say. "Yeah, I agree," Bella says. We come up around this cliff and we see four shirtless boys playing around the cliff. "Is that Sam Uley?" Bella asks. "Yep him and his cult," Jacob says. We continue to watch them and two of the guys push one off of the cliff and Bella slams on the and we hop out of her truck.

"Oh my gosh, dis y'all just see that?" Bella asks as I and her run across the street. "Calm down girls they're just cliff diving" Jacob laughs. "Cliffs diving?" I say. "Yeah scary as hell but a total rush, most of us jump from the lower down leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples," Jacob says.

"You have some kind of beef with them or something?" Bella asks. "They walk around here like they own the place. Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids now look at him" Jacob says. "That's Embry?" I ask. "Yeah," he says. "What happened to him?" Bella asks.

"He started missing school now he just follows Sam like a little puppy same thing with Paul and Jared. Sam's always giving me this look like he's waiting for me" Jacob says. "Maybe You should just ignore him," Bella says. "I try," he says. I look out at Embry and I miss my friend.

We're at the abandoned road and Bella gonna go first. "You look scared," Jacob says. "I'm not," Bella says. "Alright," Jacob says and shows Bella what to do. "Alright now slowly release the clutch," Jacob says. Bella releases it and the motorcycle jerks forward.

"Woah Bella I said slowly," Jacob says. "Alright I'm ready," she says. "Okay now slowly release the clutch," Jacob says and she does and she's riding and she's doing good until she starts to freak out and gets knocked into a rock.

Jacob climbs onto his bike and turns around and looks at me and I get on behind him. We both ride down to Bella and she's bleeding on her head. "Whoa, Bella are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah I wanna go again," she says. "Hell no, no more bikes," Jacob says and takes off his shirt and dabs some of the blood off of Bella's head.

"Jacob you're kind of beautiful" Bella says. "How hard did you hit your head?" He asks as I and him laugh. "Alright come on girls," Jacob says and he helps Bella up.

That night I'm sleeping in my bed at my treehouse and images of Victoria keep getting into my head and I wake up sweating. "Oh god she's coming for Jasper and Edward" I whisper to myself and I grab some stuff and get into my car and drive to Bella's house.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this fanfic I just published my very own book called Gems! Please check it out, I promise it'll keep your attention and excitement!

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