We're in the car listening to M.I.A and automatically I think of the boys and how far they've come Zach has flown back to l.a to see Manhattan when he went to make the new songs
J-im pretty sure we all know mikayla is not her self till she had her star bucks
Kays mom-my lord yes
Kay-haha true
Z-well no I've never seen her with out caffeine in her hand
M-you wouldn't want to I said laying my head on his shoulder
I took a video and sent it to the boys so they don't get hate
Speaking of hate I've been getting alot people calling me a hoe bitch slut but the boys and Logan keep trying to console me and Christina keeps calling asking about me but I'm fine really
We pulled up at the house oh whichlooks like
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We walk in I run upstairs and change into some sport shorts and a cropttop and run downstairs and start thinking about tommorow while my mom goes upstairs and does her thing Zach and Manhattan cuddle like always