-Chapter 32-

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Emily's POV

Jacy and I slowly walked into the school Monday morning, dragging our feet and nearly chugging the coffee we had gotten on our way, due to lack of sleep all weekend. Emmet, Aaron, Jacy and I all crashed at Jacy's house for the weekend. It almost felt like we were 12 years old again and trying to stretch out our sleepover for as long as we could until our parents came to pick us up, only this time our parents didn't come to get us. 

In fact they hadn't tried to reach out to us at all. 

We found Mandi and Claire by their lockers. Claire was looking depressed, more than usual, and I couldn't help but wonder about her parents and if her mood had to do with them. 

Before I had the chance to ask Claire if she was okay we were interrupted by Amanda. 

"I heard your weekend was eventful, Emily," She sneered, her hand landing on her hip and a cocky smirk on her face. 

"Today is not a good day to do this Amanda," I retorted, facing her and crossing my arms. Jacy stood by my side and glared, she was like my watch dog. 

"Oh, because I am just so scared of you Emily! Please, get over yourself," Amanda laughed out, rolling her eyes and taking a step towards me. She was a couple inches taller than me but she still didn't threaten me one bit. 

"Walk away," Was all I muttered out but Amanda continued laughing. 

"Or what? Is Jacy going to do your dirty work for you? Or maybe your boy toy?" Amanda snapped. 

"Trust me, Em would kick your ass far better than I ever could, she's cray," Jacy said, causing Mandi and Claire and a few others who were watching laugh. Amanda only rolled her eyes again. 

"I heard your parents are back in town Emily, must be nice to know your parents do actually love you," Amanda said and I quickly turned on my heels to walk away. If I stayed any longer to listen to Amanda talk crap I would definitely lose it on her. "Too pathetic to hear the truth, bitch?"

I continued to walk away, with Jacy, Claire and Mandi right behind me but Amanda followed, not giving up. 

"I guess that's not the truth though, is it? Your parents only came back because they're broke and can't afford to stay away from the monster children they made by mistake!" 

I stopped walking, dead in my tracks. Most of the sound around me seemed to be drowned out, replaced with my heart beating fast and blood rushing through my ears. I could feel the temperature in my body rising fast and if I did not get away from this girl I would hurt her. 

"You're so fucked," I heard Jacy say from somewhere beside me and heard her familiar giggle. Jacy had always loved drama and violence. 

"For the last time I am not scared of this stupid little girl. Quite frankly I can't believe Aaron hasn't dumped her ass yet, especially since her own parents don't even love her, how could he? She probably opened her legs for him without making him work for anything. Isn't that right Emily? Were you a little slut so Aaron would stick-"

The pain and stinging I felt in my right fist after punching Amanda in the jaw was well worth it to see Amanda laying on the tile floor, clutching the side of her face. Maybe if she had chose a different day to confront me about this I wouldn't have continued to beat her, but at that moment I could care less. 

I straddled Amanda's torso and began hitting her over and over again, grabbing a fist full of her hair. I remember seeing blood, her blood, as I continued to hit her before someone pulled me off of her. Pushing against whoever it was holding me, I tired my best to break free so that I could continue beating this girl who had been a thorn in my side since I met her but the person holding me wouldn't let me go. 

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