Chapter 2

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       I grab my bag and jacket before throwing on some shoes and running out the door to the bus stop. The kids at my bus stop all look up when I get there. Today being the first day of school they all try to talk to me in hopes of  getting on well with my brothers. This of course was nothing new to me people had tried to be my friend because of who my brothers were for years. I did what I normally do I plug in my earphones and play music drowning them out just as the bus rounds the corner.  Mrs. Linda the kind old lady who drives the bus opens the doors with a big smile as always telling each of us good morning. Most just ignore her and move back to their seats. When it's my turn up the stairs I tell her good morning and hand her the breakfast I had saved for her and a thermos of coffee. "Thank you Tessa I don't know what i'd do every morning if I had to deal with all these grumpy kids without your kindness bless your soul." I just laugh and walk to my seat.

      This was our little ritual every since freshman year when she handed out cookies she spent time making every afternoon. I had felt so bad that no one ever gave her anything back that the next morning I had brought her breakfast. She took one look at it and asked "Now what's all this little one?" "Breakfast. I felt bad yesterday when you handed out cookies and I had nothing to give in return. So this morning and every morning from now on I'll bring you breakfast unless you'd like something else?" she just laughed and gave me a hug telling me to have a seat and that this was fine. Mrs. Linda never said it but I expect she knew something was wrong at home I was always nervous around people. She noticed this and was always extra nice to me.
      I closed my eyes falling asleep to the him of the bus' engine. When I come to again were stopped at a house new to the route which means new kids I perk up at the thought of befriending someone who doesn't know my brothers. I look out the window in interest there are about four people at the bus stop three of them are dangerous looking boys in leather jackets and the last a kind looking girl. They get in the bus the boys let the girl go first and she choses the seat across the aisle from mine. Two of the three boys sit behind her the third sitting next to her and kissing her cheek. I quickly look away so as not to seem nosy. I guess that's her boyfriend. I look out my window as Mrs. Linda pulls away listening to their conversation. " Lilian did you eat this morning I never saw you eat anything." someone asks her concerned she just giggles "Yes Ben I ate you're so silly but I love you anyways." so that's her and her boyfriends name good to know. We make one last stop before school and I don't bother looking to see who it is. As soon as the other new guy gets on the bus Lilian says hello to him I guess she knows him.  Ben and the other to nod in respect. I can't help but be curious as to look up at him something drawing me to him. I look up meeting forest green eyes that are already trained on me as he takes a deep breath in. I blush and look down at my shoes. The stranger doesn't seem to notice as he plops down next to me causing me to blush even harder. "Hey my name's Bryton mind if I sit here? " he asks me with a smile. I look up to meet his eyes before replying. "Sure no problem my name's Tessa by the way." His smile brightens as I tell him my name feeling uncomfortable I turn and look out the window falling back asleep.

     I wake up to someone shaking me slightly causing me to bolt up. "Woah hey calm down its just me I was waking you up to tell you that were here." Bryton says before putting on his backpack and climbing out of the seat. "I'm sorry if I slept on your shoulder I didn't mean to." I tell him grabbing my own bag and following him off the bus. He just laughs "No worries you look so peaceful when your asleep Tessa." I just blush looking down at the pavement as I make my way into the school building. "Hey Tess do you know where the main office is I'm so lost and I have to pick up my schedule would you please help me." he says giving me puppy eyes. "Of course follow me." I tell him before grabbing his hand and pulling him along to the office. As we walk past in the halls chatter stops and girls glare at me no doubt due to the eye candy that's hanging off my arm. I see the office in my line of vision and stop once we reach the door. "Well this is your stop let me know if you need anymore help." I tell him with a smile. As I'm about to walk away he taps my shoulder. "Actually would you mind sticking around to show me to my classes so I'm not late. Please but if you can't I understand." he adds at the end quickly. I smile before nodding.

       When Bryton comes out  the office with his schedule in hand before handing it to me as I scan over his class list quickly realizing he had every class with me even dance. "I didn't take you as the dancing type." I tease watching his eyes go wide as he looks at his timetable. I just laugh while he grumbles to himself. "Well lucky for you we have every class together including that one so it looks like your stuck following me around all day." he brightens up at this.

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