Chapter 4

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      The cafeteria was an arena. And even that may be an understatement. Kids were pushing one another out of the way to get in the lunch line first. The smart ones brought their own lunch and hurriedly claimed a table for them and their friends. My little mate while having no lunch packed headed straight for a table at the very back. It saddened my wolf and I that she didn't seem to eat lunch. I hurried to catch up, " Are you not hungry?" I questioned. She just sat down and smiled at me, "Oh I never eat lunch at school." She said with a small smile. "Why not. It's not healthy to skip a meal." I was really concerned now. She however just brushed it off and looked up to see Ben, Lillian, and Mikey were headed over here with trays of food. Ben the loyal beta held a tray for me aswell. Which he set down in front of me before sitting beside me. " Thanks man." I say watching as Lillian sits beside him and Mikey on the other side of Tessa. Tessa just looked at her hands in her lap not knowing what to say. "Tessa you never answered my question." She blushed at this. "I'm just not hungry very often." She said looking me in the eye. Unintentionally I let our a low growl not expecting her to hear it and surprised when she looked at me in question. "Are you okay?" She asks, and before I can get a word in she adds "Is there something in your throat? Are you choking?" Now she looks really worried and is patting me on the back. If she wasn't flipping I would laugh at her reaction to my growl. " Calm down Tess I just had a little tickle in my throat it's nothing. However it is nice to know that if I were choking at least somebody would try to save me." I add that last part in with a wink and bite my lip just thinking about her playing nurse. This makes her face turn the most delicious shade of red I've ever seen. My wolf wants me to lean over and nip at the cheek just to see her blush deepen. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to do the same. However by some miracle I manage to restrain myself. But only barely I still end up raising my hand to her cheek to brush away a stand of hair that wasn't there. "You need to eat." I say pushing my tray of food in between the both of us. She looks at my tray and grand the apple which is the smallest and last filling thing on my plate. Which is overflowing might I add thanks to Ben. I really should be more appreciative of him. "Thank you, but I assure you I'll be fine." She's says before fighting into the apple. As she does so juice from the apple trails down her chin and almost reached her neck before she brushed it away. Little does she know that upon seeing that !y wolf started sending me numerous images of what he would like to see dripping from her mouth. I shudder at the thought and the others sending my distress attempt to strike up conversation. Lillian speaks first. "Tessa is it I'm Lilian this page younger cousin. You'll find that I'm also the smart and beautiful cousin as well." She says making me roll my eyes . "Yes Lily is my cousin and Mikey is her twin brother ." I say while pointing him out. He looks up from his food to web before going back to solving it down. " I'm Ben. Brytons best friend and Lilians boyfriend. " He says while making starry eyes at Lilian. Tessa sees this and smiles. " I'm Tessa and it is a pleasure to meet all of you. " she says with a smile. We spend the rest of lunch talking and laughing. Towards the end of lunch I've managed to get Tessa to speak more to us at least. It makes my wolf happy seeing her at along with my pack members even if it is only three of them. I know she will make an amazing co-alpha.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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