chapter 3

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       When Tessa said dance class I knew I was screwed, however I still don't regret commanding my pack member to put me in all the same classes as my little mate. I must admit I enjoyed watching my Tessa walk down the halls in front of me it made of easier to stare at her without her noticing. Suddenly she turned and opened the door to a classroom. "Welcome to dance class." She said with a huge smile on her face before grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. She must have forgotten about the tingles because as soon as we got inside she dropped my hand. "Alright well the boys change rooms are over there I hope you brought some clothes to change into workout clothes really." She told me before skipping off to what I assume is the girls change room.

       I sighed and walked into the boys dressing room seeing only two other guys one was clearly only there to look at girls you could tell by the Way he kept trying to glance out into the main room. Also by the constant stream of commentary he told the other on who he thought was the hottest. The other boy however looked like he was here to really dance he was dressed in tights and everything. Good for him doing what he loves. I hurried up and changed into some basketball shorts and took off my shoes. Wanting to get back to Tessa. I practically ran back into the main room and looked all over for her. When I found her reaching over to touch her toes in little spandex shorts (that most dancers wear I assumed it was uniform for females.) I nearly lost it and my wolf was no help to that either. "Hey Bryton will you help me pop my back before Ms. Lilly comes in?" She asked me as she stood up. "Of course Tessa come here" I said as I wrapped my arms around her chest before leaning back. I let her down once I heard it crack.  She smiles at me and mouths thanks right as he teacher walks in the door.

        Ms. Lilly is an older woman with her gray hair pulled into a tight bun at the back of her head, and a kind smile on her face. "Hello class." She says with a smile. "Hello Ms. Lilly" the class choruses back at her. " We have a new student today class his name is Bryton. I expect you all to be welcoming and since there are six of you in my elite class and you two girls already have a partner he will be Tessa's partner. Any questions?" She pauses to give us time to think. "Good." She days before smiling. "Alright  Aviva and Logan you are to create a duet with a sad heartbroken theme I want to see tears in the audience." She says as Aviva and Logan nod before going off into a corner to get to work. I note that Logan was the pervert from the dressing room. " Jasmine and Carl for your dance I want you to make others want to dance I want a party on stage and smiles everywhere." They also nod before going off and setting to work. "Lastly Tessa and Bryton I sense good chemistry between you two I want you guys to create a sexy sensual dance one that leaves both the audience and the judges on the edge of their seats. Understood?" She asks Tessa nods quickly. Before dragging me into one of the remaining corners.
      "Alright before we get started I must ask can you dance at all." She asks with the cutest little wrinkle in her forehead. "I can actually when my mother was alive she made me study all types of dance its been a year since she passed and I haven't danced since because it reminds me of her." I tell her truthfully. "I'm so sorry my mother died when I was three and I still miss her. So I know what that must be like for you." She tells me sadly " My step mom was her best friend and they all blame me for her death. My brothers and father included." She says with tears in her eyes. Both me and my wolf are in agony at seeing her like this. I reach out to pull her into my arms whispering sweet nothing's into her ear until she calmed down. I looked around and noticed the others packing up and Ms. Lilly smiling at us. Class was almost over so reluctantly I let Tessa go and walked into the dressing room.

     " Lucky bastard you're only here one day and your partnered with the hottest and most flexible girl of the lot. The things I've seen her do with her body." He says making me want to rip his eyes out. I just shake my head and hurry to get dressed for our only other class which is Art. It seems since both of us are seniors we both only need arts credits which is two classes a day. But unlike the rest of the school our two classes always stay the same from day to day instead of switching out between four like the rest. " We have to go check in to art class before we head to lunch." Tessa tells me as I come out of the dressing room.  I just nod before grabbing her hand and saying "Lead the way." This causes Tessa to blush and try to pull her hand out of my grip. However I don't let her I give her hand a quick squeeze as she walks out of the classroom and quite coincidentally to a class only two doors down. "Hello Mr. Brennings this is Bryton he's a new student." She says to an old man as she sets her stuff down. I smile at him in greeting and set my stuff next to hers before following her out the door.


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