Moira - Tea Time

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Prompt ideas are open! Feel free to critique or notify me on spelling errors!

This is an xreader. If you don't like those, I have short stories in here with just characters but this is just an odd one lmao

Prompt: You work at Talon and just finished a lot of paperwork. You decide to take a break to get some coffee from the machine.

Your point of view

You stare at the pile of files and papers on your desk, and sigh in content over the thought that it had all been sorted and signed. You peek at the old clock in your office, to see it's already ten past four. You pick up the paperwork and shove it to the side, and leave your office to get some coffee in the pantry.

On your way to the pantry you come across Akande, who had shortly returned from a mission in Alaska. The both of you speak briefly of the situation there; Overwatch had been evacuating the people to their bases up North, and it hadn't been making Talon's job a lot easier. You greet Akande and move along, and remind yourself to discuss with Sombra about the situation.

You pass the office of your friend and co-worker, Molly. "Oh my goodness, Y/N, your hair looks positively lovely!"

-"Oh this? I literally did nothing with it." You brush your fingers through your H/C hair. "So, what have you been up to today?"

-"Oh, not much really, just files, and files, oh, and more files. You?" Molly asked with one eyebrow raised.

-"Basically the same. Has there been any news or specialties?" You ask. You had been sick for the past few days, and probably missed out a lot.

-"Oh, actually, miss O'Deorain returned from her trip to wherever she went. I've been asked to sort out her stuff, they have a new space for her labatory. I haven't seen her yet." She replies whilst hopelessly staring at her computer screen.

-"Mm, I might come and welcome her later. You fancy some coffee or tea? I'm on my way of getting some in the pantry!" You ask your, not obviously playing Tetris, colleague.

-"Nah, I'm all good." She says, whilst grabbing the mug with hot chocolate and lifting it up above her computer screen for you to see. "Thanks for the offer, and do tell where you got that F/C scarf."
You smirk, and head off to the pantry.

You finally enter the room, which they apparently slightly redecorated while you were on sick leave. You walk up to the machine, and get yourself a hot cup of tea. While the machine produced the hot water, you grab a teabag from the small box. You choose ginger, to soothe your dry throat. You grab the tea cup, lift the teabag in it, and wait for a little bit while humming F/S. When the tea's done, you grab the cup, snatch a biscuit from the jar, and place yourself on the new couch, enjoying the quiet, and the lack of paperwork.

"You've got quite a nice voice." A female, Irish voice says. You look up towards the source of the sound, to see a red haired female, with quite a distinctive eye patch. You blush slightly: -"Oh, thank you. I'm new here." You stand up and walk towards the woman, who does the same. "I'm F/N L/N. Pleased to meet you." You shake the woman's hand.
-"Moira O'Deorain, pleased to meet you." She sniffs lightly. "Ginger, my favourite. So strong and fiery, yet mild and cool. I usually drink tea, but I've travelled for a bit, so today I was feeling like some coffee to keep me awake." She smiled.
So this was Miss O'Deorain. Everyone in the office spoke so fearful and inhuman of her, but in your opinion she was very kind. She might look a bit odd, but that does not affect someone's personality.

-"I heard you had been away from my colleague. Might I ask where?" You ask by tucking your H/L behind your ear, and grabbing your cup. Miss O'Deorain sat down, and so did you.
-"I'm afraid that's personal, but I did have a good time. Though, I did miss working on the field. So I'm back, and probably going to stay here for quite a while. I've been experimenting with new technology and practical techniques, and still need to get a report from Sombra on something, but I'm glad to see my experiments are paying off." The both of you talked about the progressions of the world and the nations, and of course, the work Overwatch had done recently. She looked at the clock. "Oh dear, I'm afraid I'll have to move to my new labatory by now." She took one gulp of her coffee, and put the mug on the dishwasher, then heading off to the exit.
-"It was nice meeting you, Miss O'Deorain." You say, then taking a nip of tea, which was still surprisingly hot.
-"Please, call me Moira." She grimaced, and left the room.

Still in surprise of the encounter with Talon's scientist, you finish your tea, and head back to your office. On the way you waved to Molly, and returned to the second pile of paperwork to be sorted.


A/N. So. That happened. Immediately starting off with the new hero. This is more of a friendly ship. Prompt ideas are open, and if you have any critique on my writing style or see an error, please let me know! -Dawn

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