Mercy - Stress

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Short A/N: I have no inspiration for anything so I get my prompts from tumblr for now, as well as not only xreader but also just character stories because ehhhh I find it kinda awkward to write xreaders for some reason bare with me xD

Prompt: Use this sentence as either the first one in a long paragraph or as the last one. Bonus points if you do the exercise twice–one of each.
She walked through the door and it closed behind her.

Info: it's the time when Mercy invents the idea of her resurrection.

"I don't want you to do it, Angela. We don't have the money, the space, and we can't afford to lose you in the field." was Jack's final statement. He slammed the table with his hand, creating an absolute silence as a result.

She fully understood that it was impossible. Even the idea of resurrection was more impossible than achieving peace. But she couldn't think why Jack would slam her idea off the table. There were funds enough, several saved laboratories who would happily share some space and equipment as gratitude for their salvation, and she would still work in the field. But there was no getting through to Jack; he had a rather strong opinion on the topic.

Gabe would have given the permission happily, but as he was away on a mission, Jack was her supervisor, to her utmost discontent. He only had it in for her when she helped with her already existing technology, but newer and better was something he found very hard to accept.

She looked at her hands, then the table, her feet, anywhere that wasn't Jack. -"Fine." She said "But know what you will be missing." With those words she walked out of his office, to her room.

She got to her room fairly quickly. Angela didn't want to go to her office, just to avoid all of the blueprints she had for the idea. It only killed her mood.

She walked through the door and it closed behind her. Angela got out of her work clothing and put on a sweater and some loose jeans. She let her hair out of her usual ponytail and placed herself on her bed, accompanied by her speaker and phone. She didn't mind whatever music it was, as long as it had meaning. And so she sat there, for hours, listening to music to calm her mind. She didn't show up for dinner, but instead fell asleep on her bed, for a well needed rest.

(Smol time skip brought to you by Mack and Breadstick (me and my best friend's joke ocs))

The next day Angela woke up next to a speaker and phone without any battery charge. Still in the same clothes she wore yesterday, she got off of her bed and walked to her bathroom.

Angela splashed some water in her face and looked up at her reflection. She felt awake, refreshed, but did not look like it. Her hair was tangled and dull, her eyes were slightly bloodshot and her lips were cracked and dry.

"Might as well get some work done, Angie." She said to her equal in the mirror, grinning like any other adult who had to mentally prep themself for a work day. Angela washed her face, brushed her hair, put some vaseline on her lips and felt better already.

Ten minutes later she was found in the mess hall, where she got herself a long-desired breakfast.

After scraping every last bread crumb from her plate with her fork, Angela prepared her route to her office.

It did not take long or one of her colleauges, Laurens Mulligan, ran up next to her.

(If it was not evident that I'm a sucker for Hamilton, here you go.)

-"So, Angela. I was wondering if you could take a look at these." Mulligan handed her a folder filled with files. "They need check up and I have the feeling that Morrison will smash my brain to pieces if it's not in order."

Angela chuckled, already visualising it happening. -"Sure, I'll drop them by your desk when I'm finished with them." They had arrived at her office. "Have a good day, see you at lunch!" Mulligan greeted her and Angela opened her office door.

Never before did she have a panic attack like that.

There were blueprints scattered all across her office. Models of technology were piled on her desk, paperwork was flopped onto the ground into a heap of paper, and the modelling she had already done to her staff was everything but unnoticable. She had completely forgotten all of her ideas for resurrection were scattered across her office, because she was too emotional to clean them up yesterday.

Angela stepped out of her office. Heart pounding faster than Jack's temper tantrums, breath shaky and unsteady. She was hyperventilating.

She gave one more glance to her office, but her vision had become blurry and saturated. Angela felt her head spin and eventually she fell to the ground, sureounded by dull sound and darkness.

(Another small time skip brought to you by Breadmack their child)

Angela woke up to a disembodied voice spitting her name. She carefully opened her eyes to find Gabe sitting next to her in one of the hospital rooms. She blinked a few times, eyes still adjusting to the light, and looked up to Gabe in confusion.

Before she even dared to speak, Gabe explained a lot to her. She had passed out for less than a day due to an overload of oxygen and stress hormones. It sent her body to Hell and back internally, but it dealt no damage to any of her systems.

Angela just looked at the wall in front of her. Nothing to be said, nothing to be done. All that had brought her system down, was the worry over a useless, impossible project. She felt utterly ignorant, stupid even.

"So, what now?" She sighed, taking her hospital blanket and curling up in it. She looked away, to nowhere really, just not looking at anyone in the room.

-"You're getting two weeks off, mandatory." Gabe stated. "You have had a lot on your mind these last few days and we need you without stress in here. That does not only benefit us, but yourself too.

Angela just shrugged. -"Did you hear about the argument Jack and I had?" For the first time in their conversation looking up at the broad-shouldered man. -"Yes I did. Jack told me first thing I came back, then a few moments later when I walked down the hallway to my room, one of the people of Medicine told me that you passed out. I put my stuff in my room and arrived at the hospital ward in mere minutes." Angela grinned slightly, visualising Gabriel running all the way through Headquarters. It was amusing.

-"You must have thought me an idiot, for even thinking any sort of resurrection was possible." Angela just laughed at her own statement, but it was more of a short chuckle. -No, I don't. Jack may think it is useless, but I believe in you making that idea reality. You have already done so many splendid and impossible things, I don't see why we can't add another one to that list."

Angela grinned, filled with hope once again. -"Thank you so much, really." She was very grateful, but could not express it enough. "When can I start working on it?"

Gabe chuckled. -"After you have had your well-needed vacation. We need you happy and healthy. If you come up for any ideas to make it work, you can note them down, but don't go building maquettes and start betas, that'll all be provided when you are back at work." Gabe smiled and Angela smiled back, already feeling so much better.

(Seriously haven't we had enough time skips? Nah we can have one more)

Discharged from the hospital, and a bag packed. Angela was going to meet her old friends in Switzerland. She missed them a lot and felt like this vacation was ideal to meet everyone again. She glanced over to the clock on her cabinet, urging her to grab her bags and head down to the taxi. She just laughed at her own stupidity, grabbed her bags, and made way out of her room. She walked through the door and it closed behind her.

A/N: do i get bonus points now???
Holy fricklet y'all, this took me long to make but I'm hella proud. You know I have a smol feeling I made this kind of a prologue for AFatLlama 's Mercyxreader because it starts with her inventing the resurrection but maybe that's just me being stupid (-jeff 2k17) also have no idea why I did it but I like it that I'm writing again. These prompts certainly do help.
Anyways thank you for reading I'mma nyoom out of this place. Bye!

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