McCree - Fireplace

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Prompt: you and McCree have been in a relationship which started after you saved his life. The both of you are sitting in a bar, at a fireplace. He tells you stories of his old days.

".. and that is why I'll never go back to Maine again." Jesse said with an audible sigh. You stared into the flames. It had been only a few weeks ago when you and him were on that very same battlefield, and where you saved his life, but lost something for it too. You stare at the shiny, new prosthetic leg, which was getting quite hot from the heat of the fire.

He noticed your worry and pulled his arm around you, making sure you were as comfortable as you can.

-"Can you tell me more stories?" You ask, glancing up at his face. "You're one hell of a storyteller." He laughed, taking his cigar out of his mouth to blow the smoke out of his lungs. -"Alright then. This is an old one, when I still had this bugger." He turned his face towards his now prosthetic arm. "But first, fetch us some more booze, love."

You grimaced -"Sure thing, love." You stood up, and got the both of you two a bottle of whisky for the night. When you returned, Jesse smiled and combed his hand through your H/C hair. You opened the bottle and took a gulp, and so did he. -"Alrighty, where were we?
-"The part where you would tell me a story." You looked up at him again, snuggling closer to him.

-"Oh, Y/N, what a fine P/G you are." He kissed your forehead, leaving you with flushes cheeks. "Once upon a time, there was a man named Jesse. He was a handsome fella, very handsome, with spectacular aiming an—" You poked him in his side. "Alright, alright. So, this Jesse, he was crossing the states, hoping to get a few bucks here and there. Most of the time he was unlucky, but sometimes, he got a task, and he usually fulfilled it."

He took a gulp of the whisky, and continued on: "But once, he messed up, he messed up real time. He had to flee because of it. He was assigned to murder a child."

You look up at him with awe and surprise. Who would even want to kill a child? That was unholy.

"This child was accused of treachery and heretics. Of killing people in villages, collecting their blood, and painting with it on their sheriff's station or the house of the mayor. Gruesome, they said, but Jesse never believed the stories. He wondered how an eight year old would kill a dozen of people and not get noticed by other villages. So he went out on his journey to find the child, and the more villages he passed, the more he got an understanding what would be the next village to be targeted."

"This wasn't a village, it was a huge town."

"He went out looking and searching far and wide, but all of the children were playing in the fields and did not look suspicious at all. He couldn't make up one single child who was acting a little off. But at night, he sat in a tavern, and there was a small girl standing next to him. He had seen her playing in the field. The girl said she was lost and didn't know her way home. And the kindhearted and handso—" You poke him again "Okay okay, the man offered to get her home safely. But as they were walking in the streets, the man thought it was unusually quiet. Suspiciously quiet. The girl led him to a campfire where childrens' voices could be heard. It was an orphanage. And all the children stopped talking once Jesse and the girl arrived."

"The children all looked up at him, and smiled. They had been expecting Jesse for some reason. He asked the children how they knew him, and one boy simply answered that they knew they were being followed by him. By the time that the boy finished his sentence, the girl who had led him heee had pulled his gun out of his pocket. They explained to him that it wasn't one child who murdered some of the villagers, but the children who could never have others in their lives; orphans. Everything was set out, they said. But they needed his help in finishing off a great part of this city" He drinks another gulp of whisky, before handing the bottle to you. "Whatever those orphans did, they got Jesse to accept their offer and help kill some of the townspeople."

You gasp, both in fear and in sorrow. "I killed them, Y/N, I killed all of them." He looks as if he's about to cry. -"Hey, it wasn't your doing. Whatever they did it was not your will to kill all those people." You take his hand. -"That will never take away the blood on my hands. Never. It was the last mission I ever took, and Blackwatch found me weeks later." He looked exhausted, and suddenly much older than he usually looks. -"That's enough for today, you need to sleep." You take the bottle from him, which he apparently took again. "I'm gonna get us a room, and you are going to go to bed." He sighed, and stood up to pay for the drinks. When he returned, the both of you were on your way to get a room. -"Only if you join me." He said, and apparently it amused him saying that. You laughed: -"Maybe, gunsman."


A/N: wooo look at that I'm back at it again.
Got this idea from sitting in front of the fireplace at home. Wrote one part one night, and the other part the other when it was lit again. Please send me prompts!!!!!! I'm starving and need ideas.
I'm sorry it took so long to finish this, exam weeks farted in and destroyed my life. But now I'm back! And fully committed to writing all the stories.
I'm also going to make an Overwatch animatic of Stephen's Crossfire. It matches all the characters and it's amazing in my opinion.
This is getting long as shit so ending brought to you by Lulu the dog.

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