It had been a week. A week since Peter had even caught a glimpse of Wade since their little falling out. Peter had to run to school three times in that week.
"Hey, Parker. Haven't seen your boyfriend in a couple of days." Harry said as he leaned next to Peter, one arm next to his face.
"He's not my boyfriend..." Peter mumbled.
"Seemed that way when he kicked Flash's ass."
"He didn't-!" Peter looked at him incredulously. "He didn't kick his ass. He just... scared him. Plus, that was forever ago. Are people still talking about that?"
"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry asked.
"You didn't ask. And, I never see you anymore, anyways." Peter deflected.
"You still could've texted me."
"I've been busy."
"Pining after your boyfriend who you haven't seen in... How long did you say?" Harry raised an eyebrow.
"I didn't. And, he's not my boyfriend."
"Hmm... Well, maybe it's better this way."
Peter closed his locker. "What do you mean?" The last thing he wanted was a lecture. Harry was always lecturing him about the people he talked to as well as the people he talked to. It was one of the reasons he had little to no friends.
"I'm just saying. The guy's a freak. No one's seen his face and apparently the last teacher who tried to tried to get it off him got punched."
"Whatever, Harry."
"See! He is your boyfriend."
"No! I just don't believe things I'm told without proof!" Peter exclaimed. These stupid games were getting old.
"I'm just saying, he's probably not good to be around."
"You say that about everyone, Harry. And, after awhile? It gets old. You're not my keeper, so stop acting like it." Peter shook his head and shoved past him to get to his next class. He wasn't very successful, though. A few paces forward had him bumping into a dark figure and dropping all his books.
"S-Sorry..." Peter stammered as he bent down to hurriedly pick up his things.
"No, I'm... Peter?" Peter looked up to see none other than Wade looking down at him.
"Uh..." What the hell was he going to say? Wade didn't seem mad, but at the same time, Wade could be unpredictable. "Sorry, I didn't mean to- I'll just-" He frantically scooped up his books and scrambled onto his feet.
"Whoa, hey... Calm down there, baby boy. I ain't gonna hurt ya." Wade reached out a hand but stopped when Peter flinched away from him. "Is this about-?"
"Where have you been?" Peter blurted.
"I haven't seen you in a week, I didn't... I didn't know what happened to you. I never got to apologize for being a dick and I-"
"Hey-" Wade tried.
"And I'm sorry because I didn't know what to do, I don't have many friends, Harry usually scares them off-"
"Who's Harry-?"
"And, I'm-"
"Baby!" Wade gripped Peter's forearms. "Hey! Listen to me."
Peter clamped his mouth shut and exhaled through his nose.
"I overreacted. I get... Defensive about my face. That's why I wear this thing." Wade gestured to his helmet. "That and it looks pretty cool. But, that's not the point. I shoved you. If anyone was the dick, it was me. So, I'm sorry."
"But, I-" Peter interjected.
"Shush, shush, shush!" Wade placed a gloved finger to Peter's lips. "I told you to listen. And, I ain't done talkin', baby boy."
"You're never done talking." Peter mumbled, but Wade merely ignored him.
"I have a proposition for you, Petey-Pie."
"Don't call me that."
"Shhhh!" He pressed his finger harder against Peter's lips. "I say we get out of here-"
"I have class." Came the muffled reply.
"Not if you skip with me."
Peter shoved Wade's arm away from his face and shook his head. "No! If Aunt May finds out that I skipped, she'll go beserk!"
"Then, don't let her find out and the problem's solved!"
"They'd call her, Wade." Peter said.
"Then, lie!! Say you got sick and you didn't want to bother her, so you had your ol' buddy Wade take you home."
"Wade, she doesn't even know about you. She thinks the only friend I have is Harry."
"Oh yeah. Who's Harry, again?" Wade asked.
"Harry Osborn."
"You're friends with the Richie Rich boy?!" Wade exclaimed. "No wonder you don't have any other friends."
"Wha- Harry's-"
"The reason you don't have any other friends. How do you even hang out with him? He bumped into me a couple days ago and Christ almighty... He looked at me like I put dog shit in his locker or something."
Just then, the bell rang shrilly and Peter looked up in panic. Wade didn't waste any time, however, and he merely grabbed Peter's arm to drag him along.
"W-Wait, my stuff!"
"Forget it! You can get it tomorrow!"
"Tomorrow's Saturday!"
"Oh well!" Wade laughed as he pulled Peter out of the school and into the parking lot.
"W-Wait! Wade!!" Peter protested. How was this his life already? He was only a sophomore, and Wade was already getting him into lying and breaking the rules. What was he gonna get him into next?