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**El's P.O.V**

I was at Hawkins middle school

I really wish Mike and I didn't make that lie to the teacher saying that we are cousins

right now I just want to be cuddling with him but nooo ugh

At least l'm out of that......place

I looked at Richie and Mike trying to spot the difference in the other like

Richie has glasses Mike doesn't......well that seriously is it one has glasses the other doesn't

I looked over at Eddie to see he was staring at some dude who was at the other side of the lunch room

Eddie looked at me

"Eddie....who is he.." I said loud enough for him to hear but quit enough for the others not to

"I-I d-don't know w-what his na-name is" he stuttered out while blushing

I'm surprise no one but me heard him

I sighed

Looking around seeing this girl staring at my Mike

I inhaled lifting her tray hitting her in the face making her fall out of her sit the tray hit her hard enough to break her nose

Blood ran down my nose I wiped it away

Will was the only person who knew what happened

"Over protective much sis"
"Shut up"

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