Your first fight

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Ed slammed the door not remembering that the door was made of glass. Nice one sheeran.

I walked over to the bed and fell down on my face sobbing into the vanilla smelling pillows. Why did we always have to fight ? "Fuck him I'm done. " I said aloud as I picked myself up and ran over to the closet and pulled out my suitcases. Hysterically sobbing I opened my dresser and threw anything of my clothing inside, stuffing it in by the handfuls. looking at our hundreds of Polaroid photos on the wall i hit them in disgust causing photos to fly everywhere across the bedroom. i fell to the floor and started crying even harder, pounding my fists into the cold hardwood floor. I started to calm down but my heart started to hurt even more, when I heard the front door open and slam to a shut there was a patter of feet coming down the hallway.

"My my look at this mess, (y/n). Mind explaining how it happened?" Eds husky voice asked.


I said to him as I watched him through my hair that fell over my eyes. I actually did want to see him, but I wasn't about to let him know that.

He glanced over at the floor, dressers opened and suitcases packed. He fell to the floor and started to stutter,

"a-are you leaving m-me? Please don't leave me I- I'm sorry" he broke out into a quiet cry as I looked up at him. His head was buried in his knees as he looked up at my eyes. He stood up and walked over to me, picking me up and putting me into his lap with his right hand supporting my back and his left holding my thighs. I whispered the words, "I'm sorry" into his neck while he held me closer and kissed me on the head, "you don't have a reason to be sorry, I was being a arse. Just please. Don't leave me. I don't know what id do without you babe." he said with his lips pressed to my head. "I'll never leave you", I re assured him. I heard him smirk as he held my head up looking my in the eyes, he took his thumb and wiped under my eyes, "there that's better, love. You're too pretty to cry"

He kissed me gently, growing in intensity as I kissed him back he tasted of strawberries and cigarette smoke. He picked me up and laid me on the bed as he crawled on top of me grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him, "let's never fight again okay?". "Okay, I promise" I said back to him.

"Are you sleepy, love?" He whispered in my ear, I shook my head no and looked into his blue green eyes.

"Good. Because I need you right now" he said with a raspy tone as he pulled me under the sheets with him


hey guys so uh that one was different I was gonna write some smutty stuff but I think I'll save that for my next one. I also have another fanfiction I wrote on my page called the guardian, feel free to check it out :-)

Follow me on twitter and we can be homies @tedmultiply

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