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"Ed, seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?" you ask in between laughs as he smirks, pulling your hand and trying to drag you towards the merry go round.
"Pleeeease?" he whines, putting on a puppy dog face that cannot be denied, bottom lip pouring and big blue eyes blinking innocently.
"Fine," you huff mockingly, and he smiles before rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, folding your hand in his and leading you to the waiting line of the carousel.
Your cheeks are flushed red as pure surrounded by mostly children, and their parents, who are giving you odd glances.
You bump into his side playfully, and he just laughs and shrugs at your embarrassment as the less-than-thrilled man opens the gate and lets you two (along with a group of kids) onto the ride.
You each pick out horses, and as you mount yours, you happen to look over to Ed, who still has a dumb smirk written all over his face.
He raises his eyebrows playfully as the ride slowly starts to turn, the lights lining the inside casting colorful shapes on his face.
You almost want to make fun of him, seeing his legs dangling off of the little metal stirrups, too-long sleeves of his red hoodie drawn up over his hands, looking out over the rest of the carnival, nodding or waving to the people giving him strange looks.
He's literally radiating happiness as the ride continues, the music wafting from the speakers on the canopy. You find a fond smile spreading across your lips as well, just from seeing him so content.
It's nice to see him without all the stress and pressure off once, just he stupidly blissful Ed you know and love.
The music fades eventually and the ride slows in rotations, and he looks to you, getting off of his metal horse and extending his hoodie-covered hand to you, as you take it and he helps you get down from the horse, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close in the rain-chilled autumn air.
You make your way to the exit, still laughing together, holding hands.
"You're such a dork, Ed," you tease, pushing his shoulder playfully.
"Hey," he says in mock offense, "You love me though!"
You smile at him, stopping outside of the exit line queue, shivering a bit before he wraps you up in his arms,
"That I do, Ed," you counter, feeling the warmth spreading through your body as he presses a kiss to your cold nose as you look up at him, "That I do."

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