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"Hey I'm Pandora but I go by pan"
Pan is a weird antisocial girl who has never had a true friend.until she meet Lilth a emo girl that is in love with writing.Pan never really thought about Lilth until she had to sit next to her in all her classes. Pan can see Lilth has a interesting story just by looking into her eyes.
"Hey I'm Lilth the weird girl in the corner in the mornings waiting for school to start."Lilth loves every thing that has to do with literature. She is literally the the description of geek. She is in love with my best friend yes her best friend don't judge. She has never really loved but she thinks this is love.
(In unison)
"Hey we are Evie and Josephine close friends with Lilth and soon to be Pandora". Both are complete goofballs full of energy.They are the typical supportive friends always there for you.Evie is the brains of the group and has to think everything out.Josephine is more of the action person she just does it and doesn't regret it.
(In unison....again)
"Hey we are Pandora friends Zane and phoniex and we are fabulous"yes they are crazy and are you tubers.They will do anything for a view and a thumbs up. Despite there weird personalities they mean good.Zane and Phoniex will always be there for there friends not matter what.

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